When She Cries

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Christal doesn't know what Life is going to throw at her next. Be it death, or hate, she's been through all the negatives. Her older brother ran away and got killed when she was younger, and she still can't wrap her head around his disappearance in the space around her, they were two years apart, but he was her only friend.

Now, she is left with her abusive, drunken, indecisive mother, who can't stay sober long enough to say hello in the morning, her own struggle with alcohol and self-abuse, and two best friends who would do anything to help her get through it all. Andy and Seth try to help as much as they can, letting her crash with them when she's kicked out of her house, and making sure she stays in school, but when two popular girls- nice, but still popular, not Chris's type- happen to think up a plan to stop the bullying coming from one of their boyfriends, everything goes wrong.

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