what is this shit

48 13 15

okay so if you're wondering what this is, it's what i dream about but in bts form

what does that mean?

it means im writing my dreams as if they are a bts fanfic. i may add a few details which didn't happen so that way they will flow easier bc i kinda dont remember every detail of my dreams but to make it more fun i'll do that lmao

now before you guys go 'wait how tf did this happen' just remember they are my dreams and nothing actually happened. so if i say something like idk i teleported somewhere, don't ask how lmao like it just happened in my dream idk how but it just did

the characters will probably always mostly be jungkook, taehyung, jimin and yoongi bc i mostly only dream about my friends and we already established which bts members we are

i will always be jungkook unless said otherwise

i thought this would be a really cool idea bc ive never seen anyone do it before but it sounds really hard lmao

now, lets get on to the dreams i have

now, lets get on to the dreams i have

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