Chapter two

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   The weeks that followed were slow.  Winter was coming and the semester would be over soon.  Today was the last day of school. Rod had hoped he would recover fully before the holidays so he would see what Suleiman meant by, "I can't tell you... I'll show you". He had barely seen Suleiman after the incident at the alley.
       William and Lucky got community service after they were charged with assault. Aunt Lucy protested and told everyone that cared to listen that the kids were let off too easy because  Williams father was a respectable District Attorney and sadly it was true. It was attempted murder but the judge watered down Rod and Suleiman's testimony,  saying that "They were just kids messing around and things got out of hand". Aunt Lucy would have walked right up to the Judge and slap the BAR out of him.
"Are you sure you want to go back there? ", Lucy asked as Rod and Spencer headed for the door.
"Yes aunt Luce... I love Twin Falls high too much to just leave because of some bullies", Rod lied. Aunt Lucy gave him a look that meant she didn't believe him.  "....and it's the last day of school... I can't miss it for anything...I need to say good bye to my friends ", Rod added and aunt Luce raised an eyebrow.
"You don't have any friends... ", Spencer interrupted with a chuckle.
"Shut up Spence", Rod said and aunt Luce laughed.
"Alright...just go...but be fighting... ", Lucy began.
"I know...I know... See you later", Rod cit her off and pulled Spencer out the door.
"Love you mommy...miss you already", Spencer called out as aunt Lucy smiled.
"I need to give that kid some space", Lucy said the moment Spencer was out of earshot. She loved her son but would hate for him to be too clingy.  She blew him a kiss and Spencer blew one back as Rod gave her a knowing look just before they hopped on the bus. "He's gonna get his butt kicked a lot", She said to herself as she walked back inside.
       Rod let Spencer sit by the window just in case anyone was thinking of making a move on them. He couldn't leave Spencer all by himself at that school. They would hurt him.  Though Rod knew he wasn't doing a great job at fighting away the bullies, he was ready to be a punching bag between them and little Spencer. He had been at home since the incident and had taken his final exams at home under Mr. Smith's supervision. Mr. Smith tried to charm aunt Lucy with his accent one time. She just laughed and laughed. Mr. Smith probably felt she was falling for him so he kept going.
   Rod waved and smiled as some of his class mates came on. He was a bit glad that they noticed he was gone.  Even some juniors waved too. Then the whole bus fell quiet when William came on.  Lucky wasn't with him.  Spencer had told him that Lucky's parents took him to a new school at another district. William gave Rod a long sour look before he passed him and sat at the back. 
"It's not over", Rod said to himself and turned to Spencer who was still looking around to see if his mom was visible from the windows.  Today was the last day of school and that was the last chance for bullies to beat up kids who were vulnerable. Spencer would be vulnerable. Last year,  some kids ganged up and egged Spencer.  He smelt for days. 
       Rod lifted his eyes and saw that Suleiman was watching him with the mirror.  He winked at Rod just before he pulled out into the road and headed for school. 
    Recess was longer than usual.  The cafeteria served burgers and fries. Even Principal Skinner sat at one of the benches with the matheletes and helped himself to two burgers and a coke.  He intended to leave the kids with long lasting memories during the holidays.
        By two O'clock the public address system connected to every classroom came on and what followed was Principal Skinner's nosy voice.  He gave a long speech about good behavior and studying during the holidays.  When he finally said, "Merry Christmas and a happy new year", and the school bell rang,  screams of delight filled the air.  Rod shoved his homeworks into his bag and left the class, throwing a very fast "Merry Christmas " at Miss Collette.  He ran through the halls and made his way to the other side of  the school were the junior classes were.  Spencer was already was already waiting. He waved and ran towards Rod who took his hand and they walked out the Exit.
"We need to get on the bus right now Spence", Rod said.
"Wait", Spencer said and ran to meet Madison, a cute girl in his class. He handed her a card he had made himself and said "merry Christmas ". She kissed Spencer on the cheek and ran off.  He was smiling ridiculously as he walked back to Rod.
"Girlfriend? ", Rod asked as they walked up to the bus.
"Nope", Spencer replied and made an irritated look.  Rod just laughed and  hopped on the bus. 
He noticed William was seated at the back, watching, like he was waiting for them.   Rod made sure Spencer sat by the window whilehe watched William, who was still watching them, from the corner of his eye.
     The ride was noisy as expected.  Kids were exchanging their cell numbers and addresses.  William was still watching them. Rid noticed he didn't alight at his mom'sflower shop as he did everyday after school.  He would come off same Tim they did.  When the bus came to a stop, William was the first to come off.  When most of the kids alighted,  Rod led Spencer out slowly watching to see if William was waiting.  He pushed through the crowd of kids and hopped off.
   William stood,  leaning on a mail box.  The bus was moving off that's when William ran up to them and pushed Spencer to the ground.
"Stay down...porky",William said frowning.
"Back off Will",Rod said and shoved William. He staggered back and fell. "Get inside", he ordered as he pulled Spencer up and shoved him lightly toward the house. 
"You're dead Orphan", William said and got on his feet.  He pulled out a pocket knife.
"How many of that do you have?",Rod asked as he took off the backpack.  He wasn't afraid for some reason. He was calm.
"Not enough",William said and charged at Rod.  Rod grabbed the armed hand and he twisted Williams wrist. Rod's eye widened in disbelief. William squealed a little before he let go of the knife.  Just before it hit the ground,  Rod caught it with his other hand and pushed William away. He looked at his hands again. He had no idea what he was doing.
"I'm not done",William shouted and made to hit Rod.  Rod wasn't fast enough. He got Rod right in the face. He hit the floor and blacked out for some seconds. When he came to,  William had Spencer pinned to the floor. He hit the kid on the forehead and the back of his head hit the asphalt.
    Rod leapt back to his feet and threw the knife at William.  It pierced through his raised fist.  He charged at Will and tackled him off Spencer to the floor. Rod knelt beside an unconscious Spencer. He shook him trying to wake him up.  Just then, William charged again and made to grab Rod.  Rod didn't understand what hapowned but he could see or sense what William was about to do without looking.  He moved out of the way at the last second and grabbed William's hand. Then he could see very clearly what Suleiman had done to Lucky that night in the alley and he knew how to do it too. He held unto William's thumb and pulled and very quickly Rod snapped all his fingers, wrist,  elbows and then the shoulders.  William's scream was loud and long. 
     The scream pulled Rod back to sanity.  He looked around and saw that the school bus had pulled over and all the kids had been watching. He let go of William's arm and he fell to the ground nursing his arm. Suleiman stood behind the bus, smiling.  He walked up to Spencer and checked for signs of life. He was bleeding from the back of his head.  He was still unconscious.
"He's alive... He's bleeding a lot... ",Suleiman said, pulled out a phone and dialed 911. He spoke to the operator and was watching Rod. "You did good", he said when he was done talking on the phone.
     Rod sat on the curb. He felt sick.  He watched as Suleiman kneel beside William and tried to help him. It was all like a dream. The ambulance and aunt Lucy arrived at the same time. She came down from her car with fear all over her face.
"Spence",Lucy screamed when she Spencer lying unconscious on the ground.  Suleiman held her back as the Paramedics carefully picked Spencer up, placed him on the gurney and loaded him into the ambulance. She pushed Suleiman away, got in her car and gave Rod a look that broke his heart.  She blamed him.  She drove off without him.
"Come on", Suleiman said and pulled Rod to his feet. "You kids better get home safe". He got in the bus with Rod and they drove off after aunt Lucy.

Aunt Lucy had not spoken to Rod since they arrived.  He would be glad if she screamed at him or even hit him.  Ignoring him just made him feel worse. He listened when the doctor walked into the room and spoke to aunt Lucy.  He had been sitting outside the room.
"He'll be's just a mild concussion... He isn't waking up cos he's still in shock... The sedatives we've administered are going to let him sleep for some hours till the swelling subsides... ", the doctor said. After checking Spencer's vitals,  he left.
  Rod walked into the room as slowly as he could.  His face was banged up a little bit. He walked up to the bed and touched Spencer's hand.
"You're just like your father... Your life is messed up so you have to pull everyone down with you....i trusted you with my son... ", Lucy began.
"I'm sorry... I tried to protect Spence... ", Rod spoke.
"Did you now?... Look at him... Look at my baby... ",Lucy yelled with tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry... I.... ", Rod stammered.
"I'm tired of your apologies... Just leave Rod... ",
"Aunt Luce... "
"Get out", Lucy yelled startling Rod and some nurses.
Rod wiped the tears from his eyes and ran off.  He didn't want to stop running.  He felt like he was drowning.  He threw up the moment he was out of the hospital.
"Rob", Someone called.  He turned around and saw Sueileman.
"It's Rod", Rod corrected harshly.
"I understand the feeling",Suleiman said ignoring the correction.
"I bet you do... Why are you following me?... Huh?",Rod asked with annoyance as he took a few steps closer.
"I knew your father...Ben... ", Suleiman said.
"So? ",Rod asked after a long pause.
"He told me to watch over you... Just before... ",Suleiman said trailing off.
"What do you want? ", Rod asked annoyed.
"I was your father's handler", Suleiman said as he walked away from the hospital.  Rod looked back at the hospital then followed Suleiman.
"Handler? ", Rod asked knowing that Suleiman wouldn't tell him a thing till he asked.  "Handler for what exactly? ", He rephrased the question and Suleiman laughed.
"You learn fast... You broke a lot of bones today young Rob", Suleiman said with a smile. When Rod said nothing he continued. "You do not belong here...".
"Isn't that obvious ?", Rod asked rhetorically.
"You must come with me at once... There's a lot I must tell you... But not here... We are too exposed", Suleiman said and took a few steps before stopping.  "You must come with me at once", he added.
"To where ?",Rod asked with a raised eyebrow.
"England... Loxely Mansion... ", Suleiman spoke like Rod knew what he was yammering about.
"Where? ", Rod asked still confused.
"You know not of what I speak of? ", Suleiman asked with great disappointment.
"No... I don't... ", Rod said growing impatient.
"Your father is Lord Ben Loxley...from England", Suleiman said and grabbed his shoulder. "We must leave at once", he added and pulled Rod who shook him off.
"I can't just leave... Spence... "
"Is fine", Suleiman interrupted. "There's nothing here for you... Your destiny awaits on a different continent", Suleiman said and walked away.
Rod looked long and hard at the hospital building. He loved aunt Lucy and Spencer but he had to get his life together.  He let out a deep breathe and ran after Suleiman.

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