just some of my drawings that are somewhat good I guess, more like a beginner's work.../juste quelques-uns de mes dessins qui sont un Peu bons, je suppose, plutôt un travail de debutant.
Please don't be rude bout the drawings and stuff, if u don't like my drawings don't be mean bout it , because I tried my best to draw those. I don't know if anyone is going to look at the book but if u do I hope u like them , and thanks I guess. Have a nice day , 🤗😘🙄😓👋
Its going to be 8 per chapter, I know they not the best, but I tried. I hope u like them. And I know it's short but oh well, byeeeeee🤗🤗😘😍🤩😅😋😶😉😁