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    (Jenns POV)

    It was the next day, my first 4 classes of the day weren't so bad at all but I couldn't stop thinking about the guys. It was 8 and I dressed all casual nothing special, all I hoped was that I'd at least see one of the guys.

    I got to school and just as I walk in, these girls admittedly surrounded me. I got kind of intimidated but I put my back straight and made a brave face then one of the girls said sassily " so you're the trashy girl that's getting talked by the seniors and sophomores huh?" I was in shock I could barely respond " uh... they kind of talked to me " I said in a gentle voice. " whatever just know you dress funny and you're incredibly funny looking. I mean look at you, you have braces and you'll never be good enough for the guys. I'm MalU, I'll always be worth it" she said in a confident voice and winked while she started to walk away. I never thought of my braces to be bad, I've had them for 2 and half years, suppose to have them for another 2 more months but I thought to myself I had to beg my mom to remove it now, it wouldn't really make a difference anyway. I started feeling insecure and ran to the nearest washroom, I sobbed and class was starting in 15 minutes but I just skipped and went home. I looked at myself in the mirror and said " I'm gonna change but before I do, I need this stupid braces off"

    I convinced my mom to take me to get my braces off and I've never been so excited. when I finally got them off I took a look and darn, it was different. After I even got my mom to let me get my nose pierced, I was nervous for it but I needed a change. after i got my nose pierced it kind of stinged but I wouldn't lie to myself, I actually looked like a badass. I also got my hair died, i got a lot of blonde highlights but I personality loved it. When I went home I started watching a bunch of makeup tutorials to switch up my look and be more dramatic looking. I bought more stylish clothing, some were revealing but I didn't care. I went to sleep prepared to get ready for the next day, I couldn't wait. I sent my alarm to 7:00 knowing it would take a lot longer to get ready.

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