I remember when my parents were together and I believed we were all one big happy family. I remember when all I had to worry about was being called a copycat for wearing the same shoes as another girl. When the music on the radio was actually GOOD. I remember when I was almost always happy. I remember when all I wanted was to play outside and when I wanted to be just like my big sister. I remember when I loved school and the best insult I could come up with was that my sister had buck teeth. I remember when I thought of everyone as my friend. When I didn't know drama existed. When no one excluded you because of what you looked like or what you wore. When being around people was fun. I remember when I didn't understand stress. When things were challenging but not impossible. When people told me I could do anything. When people weren't trying to tear me down. I remember when I got hugs and kisses. I remember when I didn't care what people thought of me. I remember when I loved life.
I remember...
Short Storybasically some poems and short pieces I guess about how I'm feeling and stuff... ok bye