1. That was a wierd dream

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(L/n) (F/n)
Quirk:nature manipulation/physic powers
Appearance:right side of her head/face has long, blue hair with a bright green eye that has a burn mark over it, the left side has long green hair with a deep, ocean blue eye... Very anti-social, shows no emotions, and looks like she doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything.
Quirk explanation: she can do basically anything with her physic powers, including healing, and with her nature manipulation she can do any thing the earth can, such as natural disasters ,and she can control all of the elements, but she doesn't use it because its 'her"father's"quirk' so she refuses to use it.
Quirk limits:none
Quirk drawbacks:with physic it is missive headaches, and with nature manipulation the only drawback is that you get dirty
Weakless: she is very ticklish

(Y/n)'s pov:

~dream start~

Your watching the anime called My Hero Academia.and you just so happen to have this really huge crush on this one character named Todoroki Shouto, but thats beyond the point. You don't have a good home life because every time you go home your father beats you for no reason, and you don't show your feelings to anyone, nor do you have any friends because you always push everyone away so no one really bothers you any of the time, mostly because they are afraid to see how you would react. You are about to fall asleep and you only had one thought 'God he's so hot,i wish i could kiss him.' ( lucid dreaming is what you call this, I think) It was another day after your tiring, abusive father's daily beating. God, you hate him so much.You can never remember when the abuse started , but you do know that you still had your mother around that time, and she would help you get through you days of abuse... until it grew to be to much for her to handle and she suddenly snapped.

~flashback while you are sleeping~

You are 5 years old at the time and you just so happened to walk in on your mother talking to her father on the phone "I can't take it any more she looks too much like her father." You recall her saying " m-mamma who are you talking to? " you asked. She turned around and looked at you with pure fear and hatred before she poured boiling water on your face (just like todoroki's past but a little altered), you related to todoroki so much that you respected him a lot, but anyway back to the flashback, when your father found out about what your mother did, he killed her, and you only hated him more for that. And you father continued to abuse you.

~end flashback but not your dream~

You 'woke up' with a single tear on your emotionless face ... but you didn't wake up in you room, you didn't know were you were. It was a clear, white space,and then you heard a voice but you didn't recognize it and you didn't bother to ask who it was, "You have been through something horrible, yet you continue to live,WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVE TO LIVE MISS.(L/N)?" He asked you, than you thought about it. "So that I can find people that have gone through something similar in life, than comfort them , and tell them that they are not alone anymore" you responded boldly with a monotone voice "for my mother" you mumbled softly. Than he spoke "A wise answer on your part Miss.(L/n)... Thank you for clearing that up for me." Than a bunch of colorful lights surrounded you. And before you could ask anything, you were back in your room.

~End dream~

You woke up and did your morning routine, but something inside you felt really weird but you being you, you just shrugged it off "what kind of a shit did I just have anyway" you said to yourself but again you just shrugged it off. You were done getting ready for the first day at your new high school, so you looked into you full body mirror and moved your long blue hair over your bright green eye with the scar (wich is on your right side), and tucked your long green hair behind you ear (wich is on your left side). You grabbed your bag and started to head off to school. You were stoped when you walked past your 'father'(cough cough basterd cough cough) "(Y/N)!!!!" he yelled at you "what do you want old man" you replied coldly "YOU WILL NOT EMBARRASS YOURSELF OR THIS FAMILY, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!??!!" He yelled coldly which didnt effect you a single bit " tsk" was your only answer as you walked out of your home.

Once you were outside you felt so much better "I'll show that basterd that I don't need him , once I'm a hero I will accomplish my goal of finding at least one person that is the same as me, and than and only than can I tell someone that they are not alone any more, and call myself a true hero" you said to yourself as you gripped your bag so tight that you could hear it. Moments later you were at UA and you started to walk to class, 1-A, while ignoring everyone who were trying to talk to you and walked strait to class.

When you walked into your classroom there was already someone in the classroom but he wasn't paying attention to when you came in the door because he was on his phone. You didn't pay any mind to the boy with red and white hair. You went to sit at the very back of the room ,in the desk right next to the window as you stared out into the open wilderness.

Your peaceful moment was interrupted when you felt someone's eyes on you, you turn around to be met with the dual color haired boy staring at you.

He had no expression on his face and his eyes seemed dead 'just like me' you thought to yourself. On his left side he had red hair and his eye was a warm, beautiful shade of blue with a scar over it, on his right side he had white hair and his eye was a cold, yet stunning shade of gray. 'his eyes are beautiful' you thought.

'I could stare at them for h-' you cut yourself off 'what am i thinking!!??!!' You mentally scolded yourself

You sighed and got up from you seat and made your way twards him and as did this you could see him slightly flinch. You took notice that you two were still the only ones in the room so now was your time to ask. Even if you two are only just meeting.

"I'm just taking a wild guess here and I don't mean to pri but... " you hesitated as your emotionless voice got the best of you "did you have a troubled past too..?" you finished.

He was a little taken back by your questions but he quickly turned his surprised look into a cold glare "that is none of your business" he said coldly. You were unaffected by this but you decided to apologize anyway. You sighed "your right ,I'm sorry... I'm only asking because i can tell we are similar but I don't know how much." You stated while uncovering your face from your blue hair to reveal your bright green eye with the scar over it. "I can already tell you aren't going to get on my nerves, unlike the rest of the class that should be walking in soon" you say coldly while covering your right eye with your blue hair again. As if on cue the class started to pore in so you left to go back to your seat. You didn't pay attention to the other students, who were too loud if you did say so yourself. Once everyone was in the room you glanced at the boy from earlier, and he seemed to be deep in thought, so you just decided to keep your eyes outside of the window as you thought about the dream you had 'I still don't understand why I had that kind of dream' you stated to yourself.

Soon your teacher slithered into the classroom and stood up. You instantly knew who it was so you stood up slowly and bowed "Shouta Aizawa, quirk: Erase, pro hero: Eraserhead... My name is (L/n) (F/n)... it is an honor for you to teach as this year." You said in a monotone voice. The other students went dead silent. "impressive..." He muttered " it's an honor to be here(L/n) " he said as you sat back down " please, call me (Y/n) " you replied. As you finished talking everyone rushed to their seats.

Mr. Aizawa pulled out a bunch of gym uniforms when he was fully out of his sleeping bag and told everyone to get changed and meet him outside.

A/N hehe... This turned out longer than expected, sorry if I misspelled a lot and keep in mind that the art isn't mine sooo... Credits to the creator..!!.. They did an amazing job


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