1: MHA Marathon sleepover!

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  Chelsi's P.O.V
       It was 3am in the Chelsi household...
     just kidding. This is the first day of spring break, and my friends, Jullie and Alex, and I have been planning this sleepover for weeks.
     We are watching My Hero Acedamia because it was out favorite show in the whole world. The plan was to stay up the whole night watching it, but I don't even think that  it's possible to stay up then work functionally the next day.
     Anyway, let me tell you a little about my friends.
     First up, Alex. Technically speaking, I've known her since 7th grade, but haven't actually gotten close until this year. Which I'm really glad about because I didn't know how much we had in common until I sat next to her in Science this year.
     Alex has Wavy brown hair and really pretty hazel eyes. She is also really tall. Well, compared to me anyway. She is really one of the nicest people I've ever met, but she isn't afraid to throw hands if someone tries her.
     Jullie is new to our school, but I'm also glad to meet her since we all three of us really have so much in common.
     She has short black hair with dyed ends. She pretty much looks like the middle child since she is between Alex and I's height. Jullie is really sweet and shy. She also loves music alot since you usually see her with a band shirt and jeans at school.
      Well, back to the story. We were half way through the 1st season when we heard 3 loud bangs coming from the back room. 3 VERY loud bangs.            Jullie looks at me with a confused expression, "Didn't your  Grandma just leave?"
      "Yes. Yes she did," I replied calmly even though I felt like my heart was going to burst if it went any faster.
      "Hey! Guess what time it is," Alex cut in with a creepy smirk. Jullie and I look at each other as if it would give us the answer to this bizarre question, "It's 3am."
        My heart dropped at the thought of there being a demon in my home at  the witching hour.
       "Alex... you better not of brought a demon into my hou-"
        "Yes you did! And since you brought it here, you have to try to get it out!" I make excuses for her to be the one to check what that heck that was. Jullie just nodded her head.
        "FINE. but you guys have to go with me at least," Alex replies.
         "That sound fair," Jullie says staring at me for an answer. I just nodded and stood up from my sitting position.
          We walked carefully down the hallway to the last door on the left which happened to be the guest bedroom. I stepped in front of my friends in case there was actually an intruder. I shudder as I take a deep breath and count to three.
     "On three okay?" I look at them from my shoulder and they nod slightly, "one........ two.......... three-" I squeeze my eyes tightly as I throw the door open. I keep my eyes shut tight and hear the door slam against the wall.
     "No-" Jullie starts but Alex cuts in. "Way!" Alex gasps and taps my shoulder. Slowly, I open my eyes, scared to see what I would find.
     Once I finally regain full vision, the first the I see is fluffy, ash blond hair and a pair of burning red eyes. I stay in place, frozen with fear.
     I look around around the room only to find a slightly taller boy with half white and half red hair. My eyes bolt to the shorter boy next to the ash blond only to see a boy with wavy green hair and noticable freckles on his cheeks
    That's all I needed to see before realizing that most of the class of 1A from the show that is faintly playing in the background was in my hardly used guest bedroom.
    "Wha-" I gasp as I named the people in front of me, checking to see if I was insane. Bakugou... Todoroki, Midoriya... Kirishima... Uraraka.. Iida.... Denki.. shinso, and  then Jakku. All in my house. Not all of Class 1A, but pretty close. Plus... Shinso.
     "OI, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU," The ash blond glares at us, annoyed beyond belief. Still shocked, I could not reply.
     "We are, uh friends of hers and this is... well... um kind of her house so," Jullie nervously answered for me. Katsuki managed to make a confused expression and I force myself to snap  out of  whatever trance I was in.
      "How are you even... here right now. This isn't even possible!" I say looking at them. I turn to Alex desperately, "please tell me you're seeing what I'm seeing."
     "Oh, I am. C'mon, Chels! This is so cool! You literally have our favorite anime characters in your house!" She said obviously excited.
     How is she so excited? How did they get here? They're in my house, still in their UA uniforms, staring at me like I'm crazy. Maybe I should try to talk to them.
      "Hi. I'm really sorry for maybe acting a little shocked it's just that you're not supposed to be.... real."I managed to squeak out the last word. Uraraka tilted her head slightly and stepped forward.
      "What do you mean by 'not supposed to be real?' We're all real, Silly!" She giggles. Suddenly, I remember that their show was playing in the background. I smile and grab her hand.
      "Follow me, please! I have to show you guys something!" I say excitedly dragging her to the living room where the show that these confused people are in. They cautiously followed me to the living room where they followed my gaze to the TV. 
      They're confused expressions turn even more confused as they watch the intro to their own show move across the screen. Alex and Jullie stand next to me as we watch the group of people carefully from the side.
     I hear frantic mumbling from next me so I turn around. Just as expected, Midoriya had his hands covering his mouth as his not so quiet whispers fill the room. I was worried that his poor brain was going to explode.
      "Do you guys see now? You're from an anime. You're not really supposed to be real people," Jullie says carefully. Bakugou looked like he was going to explode in anger. Todoroki cut her off before she could speak anymore.
     "I believe that we have intruded your home. I apologize. We need somewhere to stay so we can find a way to go back to the hero world. Will you allow us to stay here," He stares with a blank expression. I turn to Jullie and Alex while trembling nervously.
    They were shaking their heads frantically while their eyes were begging me to say yes. If I say no, then they would be on the streets, not knowing how to act.
      It was obvious that they still had their quirks. If they had used them in public they could be put in mental asylums, or prisons, or some weird scientists will find them and do horrible experiments on them. They could even be killed! I can't let that happen to them. I came to a conclusion that would change  Alex, Jullie, and I's life forever.

          "Yes... you can stay here."

A.N.  Heyooo it's the author here. I just wanted to let you know that I'm writing this book just for fun and for my friends Al_Slasher and Jullie who doesn't have a wattpad. But I wanted to say this because I'm not exactly the "best" writer though I would love some constructive criticism or suggestions.  Anyway I hope you enjoy and I'm so excited to write the chapters to come! See you next time... but before you go,

       Enjoy this picture I found online lol

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  Enjoy this picture I found online lol.💖



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