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Beep, beep, beep…

Six o’clock was the time my damn alarm clock went bonkers. Fuck. After eight, maybe even nine years, I would think waking up would be something that should come easily to me but obviously not. Once again, fuck.

I rolled from my left side and onto my back, staring up at the beige ceiling. What a fucking ugly color, beige. I used my feet to kick my afghan off of my body and onto the brown carpeted floor. A shiver flashed over the entirety of my body as the cooler air hit my much warmer body.

I forced myself into a sitting position at the foot of my bed and then into a standing position. I looked to my digital clock, 6:30 A.M. That leaves me ten minutes to make myself at least somewhat presentable and another ten minutes to walk to work. Yes, walk. I walked just about everywhere in this small ass town.

I rummaged through my closet and came up with a clean work uniform. I splayed the clothing and a clean pair of boxer out on my bed and hit the shower. I kept track of the time by humming a song or two and buy the end of my small self featuring concert I would have finished my shower. I drew back the yellow shower curtain and stepped foot on a towel I had laid out to prevent a slip. All I have to say is that you live and you definitely learn.

I dried the droplets of water off of my pale body using an ugly booger green towel and tossed it to my bedroom floor before hurriedly dressing myself. I tucked my red shirt into my black dress pants and stepped back into the bathroom just to simply study my appearance in the mirror. A frown placed itself on my lips as I combed out my unruly damp hair.

“I look like shit.”

My own comment made me softly laugh, it was the kind of self degrading that was actually acceptable.

I had pulled my phone off of its charger in my kitchen and snatched up my earbuds, the walk to work would be unbearable without some sort of music. I was a lunatic for music, Queen to be exact was a favorite of mine. I plugged my earbuds into the headphone jack and pulled up Soundcloud. I scrolled through the options for music and decided upon ‘Don’t stop me now’ That damn masterpiece has been stuck in my head for days now so i might as well take advantage of it right?

I paced my steps against the sidewalk with the beat of the song and felt like I was going to die from the speed.

‘Two hundred degrees

That’s why they call me Mister Fahrenheit…”

I listened to the song two and a half times before I finally reached my destination. ‘Bonnie’s’ That’s what my boss named the diner I worked at. He named it after his late wife and the thought made me feel a mix of emotions. How nice it must be to have someone to love.

I trotted through the double glass doors and was greeted by the chime of a bell and the warm security of the small vintage area. I inhaled the scent of what must be apple pie. There was few people occupying the booths and tables and I just simply walked past and into the kitchen.


I smiled awkwardly at the greeting, fuck I kinda hated hearing the entirety of my first name and it was just like my co-worker, Gwil, to tease me about it.

I simply rolled my eyes and gave the head cook a shove causing the two of us to chuckle.

“Asshole.” I joked. Gwil was like a brother to me. Kinda like the sibling no kid asked for but got anyways. I must admit, I truly was thankful for the walking beanstalk, though.

There wasn’t a whole lot to do at this hour of the morning except prepare for the tedious breakfast rush. I heard the doorbell chime its loud and obnoxious call and i knew it was my call.

I stepped out of the kitchen and onto the black and white checkered floor of the diner and there he was.



Hi yes I know this is shit but it really do be like that sometimes

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