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I lost track of time, shoot I lost track of everything. My palms grew sweaty and my breathing hitched up in the back of my throat. What a fool I must look like right now, my chestnut coloured hair in messy tufts atop my head and the fact that I looked like I was having a heart attack.

I watched the mysterious man take himself to a small table that was made for two but from what I observed it was just him. His blonde hair reflected in the natural light flooding in through the large paned glass.

I found him strikingly handsome whether it be the way his biceps bulged out from his yellow short sleeve shirt or his eyes. What fucking color were they? Blue? Green? Both?

I wasn’t sure but one thing I was sure of was that if I wanted to keep my job I better fucking pull it together and wait on him.

I swallowed around the lump in my throat and searched my pockets coming up with a small pad of paper and a black ink pen. I roamed over to the table that seated the charming man and nearly melted when he looked up at me.

I caught a smell of cologne and it made me all warm and fuzzy. I got a faint whiff of cigarette smoke and leather and I nearly fell apart right then and there. I held it all together with a small smile and proceeded on with taking the boy’s order.

I watched the man scan one of the menus and then look up at me with a cocked eyebrow. I swallowed the excess saliva in my mouth and waited quietly.

“How good are these strawberry pancakes?” He asked and I relaxed a bit. A soft chuckle slipping through my parted lips.

“Pretty darn good if i do say so myself.” I replied and melted on the spot. The blonde smiled, fucking smiled.

‘Come on Mazzello pull it together what the actual fuck.’

“Good, I'll take an order of those. Please.” His words just flowed so perfectly from his lips. I couldn’t help but to notice his accent, how lovely it sounded.

“Anything to drink?” I asked softly but most definitely loud enough to be heard.

“How about iced tea?” He inquired and I nodded while flashing a small smile.

“I’ll have that out as soon as possible.” I mumbled before rushing back into the kitchen.

I slapped the paper with the man’s order on the counter causing Gwil to jump.

“Christ, Joe! You nearly made me shit myself.” I laughed to that, what a horrid sight that would be. I plucked a glass cup from the shelf and filled it with some ice and tea.

“Geez man, you alright? You look like you just witnessed a murder.” I stopped right in my tracks and looked up at the taller man.

“Cute boy out there.” I mumbled as I grabbed a paper wrapped straw and listened to Gwil’s soft chuckle.

“How cute?” He questioned and I rolled my eyes in response

“I’m afraid that I can’t tell you, you’ll think I’m going mad.”

“Oh, Mazzello. Aren’t we all at least going slightly mad?”

I rested my right hand on my hip and rolled my eyes once more.

“Shut up..” I snapped back and made my way back to the blondes table. I wish I knew his name. I could only hope that someday i would.

I carefully set the glass of tea on the green table top and set the straw next to it before trotting back into the kitchen.

I huffed softly and sure enough Gwil went back to drilling me.

“Describe this boy to me.” I grumbled lowly and thought about kicking the back of Gwil’s knees to make him crumple to the ground but I decided against it.

“Figure it out yourself. If it’s such a big deal then take his pancakes to him. He’s at table seven by the way.” I was well, overwhelmed in a sense. My shift had only really just started and I was ready to go right on back home.

“Fine, Joseph. I gladly will take him those pancakes just so I can find out who your little man crush is.” I absolutely despised Gwil at this very moment but I let it slide. There's no sense in getting pissed about the small things.

I watched Gwil finish the pancakes and top them with whipped cream before disappearing out of the cooking space. He returned back with raised eyebrows and I just simply shrugged my shoulders waiting for him to say something.

“Alright so maybe he is cute.” Gwil held his hands up in defense and I couldn’t help but to chuckle softly.

The day rolled on endlessly and it felt like I would never get to go home. As I walked my walk home I thought about the mystery boy and how he left the diner about as fast as he had come.

I didn’t bother to listen to any music as I walked home. I had only one thing on my mind and that one thing was all i could think about.


He flooded my every thought.

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