love is love

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it was just a nother normal day for shigeo and then he got a call from reigen (his master) and he wanted mob to go to work and get rid of a spitit so he did and then he went to reigen to his office and (btw shigeo had a crush on reigen) so then they entered reigens office and then mob was BRITE red (his face lookes like a tomato) and then reigen said ' something wrong mob' sexily so then mob replied woth 'n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nnnothing.... i just feel unwell.....................' so then reigen was like 'ok' so then mob got paied and went home (he didnt get paied much) so then he entered and then his brother was there and sayed 'how was school bro' and mob replied with 'ok still blushing like a tomato' and then his brother said whats wrong with your face brother is your psyching powers doing that' so mob said 'n-n-no' and his brother said 'ok what is it then'; then mob said '.......' and then gone to his room.


published by me

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