It Is Me

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Deadpool POV

"I'm...............BATMAN" I said just so I could try and sound funny for the heck of it. ( Good job 'Batman' YOU PROBABLY JUST MADE MY READERS WHEEZE TO DEATH.) The other small male began to laugh then say " No who are you...for real." He said as he tried to stop wheezing. Then I noticed something...weird. He keep cophing... WAIT... is he... CHOKING. (XD U KNOW WHAT I'MA BOUT TO SAY SOOO...I'ma not say it.....ok...ok...bai)
Then I grabbed him and started to help least I think... I began to give mouth to mouth procedures didn't work out...He must have been startled but then...he...he... KISSED ME BACK! " WhAt HaPPeNd?" I asked ruining the savoring moment. He said "Uhhhhhhhhh...I think we... KISSED?" DAYUM! WE KISSED?! WOW GETTING AFTER SHOCKS OF HURRICANE PETER! IM SPEECHLESS! (Now I got that song stuck In my head, and it came on the playlist ->- yay internet is SOOO on my side) -_- Anyway CLIFF HANGER!

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