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Maddie was just walking down the hallway when she heard calls of her name from behind her.

"Maddieeeee!" She turned around to see Autumn running towards her, with Ally lagging behind. Autumn attacked Maddie with a hug, to which she responded by letting out a groan. "I haven't seen you in so looooonnggg!"

"Doesn't mean you need to attack me." Maddie muttered as Autumn eventually let go.

"What you did out there was amazing! You totally showed Jay up! And then Chad's face was absolutely hilarious and you were just amazing and better than all of the other players and-" Autumn rambled until Maddie covered her mouth with her hand.

"Alright, that's enough." Maddie rolled her eyes as Ally finally approached them. She looked upset, for some reason.

"You alright Ally?" Maddie asked, looking at the blonde.

"Oh... yeah." Ally nodded and plastered a clearly fake smile on her lips. "Hi Maddie." She greeted.

"Come on!! Let's go see Ceci, Rae and Elyse! They'll be so excited to see you!" Autumn exclaimed, grabbing Maddie's hand and beginning to run down the hall, dragging Maddie with her. Ally let out a sigh and began to follow on.


Autumn dragged Maddie all the way to the table outside where Cecilia, Raelynn and Elyse were waiting for their other friends to arrive.

"Look who it issssss!!" Autumn squealed, finally letting go of Maddie's hand. Ally eventually caught up, still with a sad look on her face and stood next to the table.

"MADDIE!!!" Cecilia screamed as she hugged the redhead, almost tackling her.

"Look who came out of her cave." Elyse smiled, standing up.

"No no no I've already been attacked once today." Maddie groaned, staggering backwards as Ceci hugged her. Autumn laughed sheepishly and just shrugged.

"I told you they'd be excited to see you!" Autumn said with a smile.

"Heyyyy Mads." Rae smiled, laughing slightly. She gave the redhead a small wave.

"Yeah hi." Maddie said. "Ceci. I'd like to breathe."

"Okay Cecilia, enough. I'd like to hug my best friend" Elyse interrupted and a pouting Ceci let go of the redhead.

"You want to actually hug someone?" Rae rose an eyebrow. "Wow."

"Why so many huuugggs?" Maddie complained.

"Because we haven't seen you in forever?" Elyse said, hugging Maddie.

"Yeeeeep." Ceci nodded, bouncing up and down again.

"Oh come on it hasn't been that long." Maddie rolled her eyes, eventually hugging Elyse back.

"It hasssss!" Autumn exclaimed.

"It's been weeks." Rae agreed. "I won't hug you because I think you might shoot me with an arrow but I have missed you." Maddie smiled at the brunette and then looked at Autumn.

"How do you even have any energy left?" Maddie questioned. "You dragged me all the way here."

"You're talking to the girl who would run around for thirty straight minutes and still be hyper in class." Elyse pointed out, stepping back from Maddie.

"Good point." Maddie nodded.

"I don't even know where it all comes from! I haven't even eaten chocolate or anything today!" Autumn exclaimed, bouncing on her toes.

"You need to chill out a bit, Autumn." Rae said chuckling slightly as Ally sat beside her. She had her chin rested on her hand and still looked very down. "You okay Wonder twin two?" Rae asked, nudging Ally.

"What?" Ally snapped out of her daydream. "Oh yeah. Just... a bit exhausted." She shrugged.

"You alright?" Ceci asked her twin, worried. Ally nodded and plastered a smile on her lips.

"I am. I promise." She replied, looking at her twin sister.

"Okay... so... what the heck happened this morning?" Elyse questioned, turning to Maddie.

"You know about that?" Maddie questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well duh!" Autumn exclaimed. "It's literally all anyone is talking about! About how you totally showed up Chad and Jay and they were just-"

"Hey, leaf." Rae said, interrupting Autumn and surprisingly shutting her up. "Maybe hearing it from Maddie herself would be nice?"

"Yeah, tell us!" Ceci said, leaning forward in anticipation, Maddie let out a sigh and sat down with the rest of the girls.

"Basically, I disguised myself so no one would recognise me and jumped into fencing mid-practise. I battled Jay and ended up beating him, and everyone was quite shocked when I took my helmet off to reveal that it was me." The redhead explained.

"Yeah! Ally and I saw! It was so cool!" Autumn exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah," Maddie rolled her eyes. "And then of course Chad being Chad-" Maddie was interrupted by the bell ringing.

"For fuck sake." Rae groaned.

"Awwwww..." Ceci lamented.

"We can hear it later children." Elyse said condescendingly.

"You'll probably hear it from gossipers anyway." Maddie shrugged.

"You have a point." Rae agreed.

"Or I can just tell you!" Autumn pointed out. "I did see it after all."

"I'm pretty sure we're all in separate lessons, Autumn." Rae responded.

"Yeah, we have chemistry." Ceci groaned.

"Chemistry is the last thing I need right now." Ally muttered as Rae nodded in agreement.
"I have history." Elyse announced.

"And so do I." Maddie looked at Elyse.

"I'm on my ooownnnn." Autumn sighed dramatically. "English." She muttered.

"Isn't Oliver in that class?" Elyse asked innocently.

"Yes... but... he's like, in love with me." Autumn sighed. "And he's sweet and all... but I just don't want to deal with that. I want people to talk toooooo."

"But you're not alone then." Ceci pointed out.

"Can we just go?" Elyse asked impatiently.

"She's just being our dramatic Autumn as always." Rae grinned.

"I'm not dramatiiiiic." Autumn protested.

"Sure, and I'm not Scottish." Maddie rolled her eyes. "I'd rather not be late for my first lesson back so maybe we should get going?"

"Yeah.." Elyse sighed, standing up. "Let's go."

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