Chapter 14: Day After Tomorrow

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They went on their honeymoon the next day. Neither one of them was in any hurry. They also wanted to help clean up after the festivals that took place after the wedding banquet. Sam's bar friends knew how to have a party. Jack was nearly enjoying those characters as much as she had. Even though they might be a little crazy at times, each one of them was someone you can truly count on.

After she beat the fudo out of Telk, they have been investigating who could be behind her kidnapping. They were a lot more than people going to a bar. They were part of a giant brotherhood of people not only of Yavin 4 but several planets in the galaxy. As a wedding gift to both Sam and Jack, they pledged they will watch over them during their honeymoon in this galaxy, without violating their privacy. Everyone knew that whoever took her from her friends, family, and home-world was not done with her. If anyone was even thinking of hurting her during her honeymoon, they would have to answer to a large group of people.

She told her friends, "I'm not a full Jedi yet, but I can take care of myself and so can Jack."

Scar, one of Sam's bar friends, said, "'At is th' whole point lassie. we want ye tois loove kimmers tae spend aw 'at time wi' each other withit th' worries ay bein' attacked by whomever. We aw hink 'at ye micht nae be attacked, but tae be oan th' safe side ay things, we hae pledged tae protect ye tois. if we waur tae gang tae earth wi' ye, we aw woods protect ye thaur."

She smiled, "One day I will invite you all to the biggest bar we have. Unfortunately, we can't have the same fun."

"'At woods nae matter. jist bein' wi' ye oan yer ain haem warld woods be enaw. ye hae tamed us awreddy. ye did gie us tae wear suits."

She laughed. "You all looked wonderful in them. I would love to have a photo of all of you in them."

"We thooght ay 'at, but Wiggles cannae bide still fur 'at lang."

"I don't know what I would have done without you all in my life."

"Ye woods hae bin th' sam way as ye ur noo, but Ah am huir uv a canty ye did entered uir li'es."

She hugged Scar. "Where it counts, all of you're so damn special to me."

"Please dinnae bide in thes warld jist coz ay us. ye belang oan Earth."

"I belong to both worlds. To prove it, I'm being trained to be a Jedi Knight. We have no Jedi on Earth. I have learned a great deal in the little time I've been with Master Tumok. That tells me I am a part of this world in a major way. Because of that, I will continue with my training and be the best Jedi Knight I can be." She also told what she has been thinking regarding being Earth's protector and the like. "I don't know why I feel this way, but I do."

Jack replied, "What you have shared with me on that, I, for one, believe you are something special for everyone on Earth. I can't even understand all you Jedi Knights can do now, so I wouldn't have a clue of how you connect the Jedi Knights to Earth."

It boggled her about it, too. "Even though I know more about the Jedi Knights, I have no clue about their ancient history, but I feel it is Earth."

After hearing what they said, Scar stated, "Waw! ye dae belang in baith worlds. when we aw saw ye use yer lightsaber tae protect yerself frae 'at table Telk threw at ye, it was loch lookin' at a foo Jedi Knecht. when ye did nae kill heem, it took a character far beyond onie Jedi Knecht."

"That was the only time I used the Force in that Fight. I wanted to defeat him as the Sam Carter I was before they kidnapped me. It wasn't to end that part of my life but to allow that life I had to be connected to this life I have here. I couldn't even marry Jack if I didn't allow that to happen. After I was healed from my wounds, I knew then I could be a wife to the man I love. Now, I can use the Force as my Master has been training me."

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