The Last Day at Home

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Sarah's POV
Today, is my last day at home with my dad. My mom got a divorce from him, since he was always getting drunk and always starting fights.
"Mom, I'm heading to school! See you later!" I shout to my mom from the front door. I'm starting a new school today, it's gonna suck.

Tanner's POV
Today, Casey, Justin, and i are heading to the skate park. I know, "why aren't you in school, Tanner?!" I did go to school for 2 hours this morning. I don't go all day, because I have a YouTube Channel and I don't want to let my fans down. They mean a lot to me, and I know how much I mean to them, so if I don't do a video once a day, they freak out. 

But anyway, yesterday, there was a new student in our class. She was really pretty. The only problem was that no one talked to her. I mean I didn't really say hi, but no one else said anything. I think it's cause she's new, I'm sure she will make a lot of friends. 

*next day*

Good morning! So I am heading to school in my Volkswagon GTK. You may be wondering "what the f*** is that?" Well, when I was little, it was my dream car. It is so fast and really fancy.  But I'm driving it to school for the first time. I don't know what people are going to think, but I'm going to tape it, so if you want to find out what people think check out my YouTube channel at Tanner Fox.

So I got so many reactions, they were amazing! But anyway, I saw that girl again. She seemed to be fighting with someone that was in the car. "I hate you! I wish you were f***ing dead!" She seemed to have said. Oh man, that doesn't sound good. "You know what?! I'll walk home. Don't bother coming to pick me up." She added slamming the car door. 

I decide to follow her, because it seemed like she wasn't having the best start to her day. She was so pretty, I really wanted to get to know her. She opens her locker which was surprisingly 2 lockers down from mine, so I went to mine and took out my note books that I needed for English. She got on her phone and seemed to have texted someone. "I'm going to runaway tonight. No one here even talks to me. I wanna die. I know you blocked me, but I needed to write something." That's all I could see from where I was standing. She probably wrote more but, who knows. 

Something inside, was telling me to become her friend, and help her to not hurt herself. So I walked up to her. 

Tanner: Hi, my name is Tanner, what's your name?

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