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//Hiya guys! Sorry I haven't updated, my entire chapter got deleted when I updated my IPod and forgot to save:,(. So, here's some fluff I had written up for George and my OC, but I changed it so it would be from your point of view! So until I rewrite my chapter, here's this.\\

((This takes place after the Battle of Hogwarts, WARNING! Mention of suicide, actually that's what the story's about a little bit// Also, super super SUPER light swearing. Like two words I think :P))

It was late that night, the moon still wasn't showing itself, even though it'd been two nights since the battle. (Y/N) was asleep, curled up in a chair. The scars on her collarbone were visible. George had been sitting on the couch watching her chest rise and fall, and her hair float with her breath.

So beautiful, he thought, reaching over the armrest to caress her check lightly with his thumb.

George hadn't been doing very well with the death of his twin, and he knew his girlfriend hadn't had much luck dealing with the death of a certain (your best friend's name) either. And she still missed her dad, who also died during the battle.

George stood up and brushed a hair away from her eyes, then kissed her forehead. He walked into the kitchen of their temporary 3 1/2 room flat and stood at the counter, his back bent. A knife lay across from him. He eyed it curiously, then forced a grim laugh.

"I've gone mental," he muttered. "Bloody mental. They outta lock me up in a nuthouse."

He picked it up and looked at it. He wasn't happy with himself, thinking what he was thinking about. But then again he wasn't happy with anything lately. It felt like he hadn't laughed in years, with Fred gone, he'd lost most of his animation and peppy character.

George ran the blade along his thumb, blood seeped through the wound. The knife was sharp, all it'd take would be one slice to the neck, just one quick flick of the wrist...

(Y/N) stirred and sat up. "George?" she muttered.

George heard her from the kitchen. The knife was pressed up against his jawbone, tears were in his eyes. "Yes love?" he croaked.

She stood up tiredly. "George? Where are you? Are you alright?"

"I'm- I'm in the kitchen, (Your nickname)."

She crept over to the doorframe and looked in. She saw the knife pressed to his neck, and bit her lip. "George? What's going on?" she whispered.

He didn't respond as he closed his eyes.

"Please don't," she whispered.

"Why does it matter?" he muttered back. "Then at least both twins would be gone. And it's not like anyone needs me around anymore. I'm useless without Fred."

She stepped into the room. "No..."

"Yes, I am and you know it," he muttered, "it's like I've lost half of myself. I can't go on like this, (Y/N)."

"Yes, you can, darn it!" (Y/N) was almost crying. "You've got to, you damn bastard, what am I supposed to do if you don't!"

She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his torso, pressing her head between his shoulder blades. "Please... Please don't..." she murmured.

His grip on the knife weakened, and she slipped it from his hand, then threw it at the wall. He turned and cupped her face in his hands, catching the tears coming out of her eyes and ignoring the ones coming from his.

"I love you," he murmured, pressing his lips to her neck. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't," she muttered. "It's okay, you have nothing to apologize-"

"Yes, I do." He ran a hand through her hair. "I would have left you here by yourself, Merlin knows you can't cook."

They smiled at each other. "I promise," he murmured. "I'll never leave you again, if you'll have me."

She laughed. "Of course I'll have you, and I'd never let you leave me anyways."

"Good," he said with a grin. "Shall we make it official?"

She laughed again. "What do you mean?"

He grinned even wider and ran his hands down her figure as he knelt down in front of her. He pulled out a small blue box from his back pocket.

"(Your full name), will you marry me?"

(Y/N) bit her lip as he opened the box. She looked down at him in his t-shirt and sweat pants, and her in her hoodie and shorts.

"You even have to ask?" She nodded and grinned. He stood up and grinned, kissing her lips softly.

"It is traditional, you know-"

"Oh, shut it, you prat," (Y/N) said with a grin.


Nice and fluffy, yeah? Well, I'll remake my chapter, until then, you people enjoy this!


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