Chapter Three

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It took me quite a while to find my friends. I could hear Hagrid calling to the first years. The Threstals were now visible to half the school, since almost all of us had seen death.

I found Ron first and he gave me a bright smile. He looked relieved to find that Malfoy hadn't hurt me. I gave him a cold smile that turned his happy look to one of confusion. 

I climbed into one of the carriages and Ron followed. Minutes later, Harry and Ginny joined us.

"Wow, it is really cold out there," Ginny said with a shiver. Harry put his arm around her and pulled her close. Ginny smiled gratefully and burrowed into his chest. Ron reached for me, but I slide away from him. I ignored his slightly hurt expression. 

The carriages began to move. They rumbled along the path towards Hogwarts. Ginny looked at me confused, but I mouthed "later" and she nodded. Meanwhile, the note in my cloak pocket felt heavier and heavier.

I avoided Ron's gaze until the carriage lurched to a stop. I climbed out after Ginny and grabbed her hand. Ron and Harry went it, but I led her away from the door.

"Hermione what's wrong?" Ginny's wide brown eyes showed confusion.

Wordlessly, I grabbed the note and handed it to her. She began to read. "Oh, Hermione." 

Hearing the sadness in her voice made Ron's cheating so much worse. I felt tears form in my eyes and spill onto my cheeks. Ginny pulled me into a hug and I let myself cry into her shoulder.

"Granger?" I pulled away from Ginny to see Malfoy heading towards us.

"Go away, Malfoy." Ginny said angrily.

"Professor McGonagall wants to see us," Malfoy said, ignoring Ginny. I quickly wiped by eyes on my robe sleeve.

"I'll see you at the feast," Ginny told me anxiously. I nodded and followed Malfoy to the castle.

Once Ginny was out of earshot, Malfoy asked, "what happened?"

"None of your business," I told him in a dead voice. He opened his mouth to say something else, but I sped up and reached the castle before him. 

McGonagall was waiting in the entrance hall. "Good evening, Miss Granger." Her voice was no nonsense as usual. "Where's Mr Malfoy?"

"I'm here, Professor." Malfoy had entered silently behind me. 

"Well, I  just wanted you both to know that your schedules are exactly the same and a new wing has been added for the Prefects and Head Boy and Girl. Your job is to meet the Prefects here and lead them to the new wing."

Malfoy and I nodded in understanding. "Good. Now I need to start the feast." With that McGonagall left. 

"Shall we?" Malfoy asked. I nodded and we entered the Great Hall. 

I hadn't seen Ginny pass us, but she was seated by Ron, leaving an empty seat between herself and Nearly Headless Nick. 

I left Malfoy and sat down. "Hey Ginny, wanna switch seat?" Ron asked her.

"No," Ginny said cooly. Ron looked perplexed.

"Thank you," I whispered without turning around. 

The Sorting had already ended. A witch I didn't know picked up the stool and the Sorting Hat and carried them away. 

McGonagall stood up. "I have some announcements, but those can wait. For now, enjoy the feast!"

Food suddenly appeared before us. I took very little, finding that my appetite had gone. Ginny noticed, but said nothing.

Next came the desserts, but I didn't touch any of it. 

"So Hermione, what did Professor McGonagall want?" Harry asked me. Ron's mouth was full of food.

"She wanted to tell me and Malfoy that a new wing has been added for the Prefects and Head Boy and Girl," I explained. "After dinner, we have to go there. I guess I'm not sharing at Gryffindor Tower anymore."

"Be careful around Malfoy, Hermione," Ron warned. I gave him a cold smile.

"I can handle myself." Just then the plates cleared and McGonagall stood up. Everyone fell silent.

"I know how difficult these past few years have been," she began. "By Lord Voldemort has been vanquished and on the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, we will honor those who gave their lives and the ones who helped defeat the evil forces that invaded Hogwarts." Almost all eyes turned to me, Harry, and Ron.

"However," McGonagall resumed, "now is not that time. Quidditch and other activities will continue as usual. Now, off to bed. Goodnight."

I followed my friends into the entrance hall and said goodbye. I watched people from other houses laughing with their friends as the went to their dorms. I felt oddly alone, standing in a crowd of strangers. That is, until Malfoy showed up.

"Hello Granger," Malfoy said. I glared at him and he put up his hands in surrender. "Just tryin' to be friendly, that's all."

"Since when are you friendly?" I asked him, slightly amused.

"I'm friendly all the time," Malfoy said defensively.

"Not to me," I muttered so Malfoy didn't hear. The Prefects  started to arrive so we quite talking and waited. 

Once all ten of us arrived, Malfoy and I led them to the new wing. Two double doors marked Prefects led into a hallway with four rooms lining both sides. The Prefects found their rooms and said goodnight.

At the end of the hall was another door marked Heads. I pulled it open, revealing a large sitting room, complete with a fireplace and mini kitchen. Two doors marked Hermione and Malfoy led to the bedrooms. I entered mine to find my trunk, a nighstand, a bed, and a desk along with another door which led to a private bathroom. The walls were decorated in Gryffindor colors.

I went back out into the sitting room to find Malfoy reading a book on the couch. "Malfoy reading?" I gasped in surprise. He looked towards me, evidently not amused.

"Haha, very funny Granger," he said sarcastically. I smiled slightly before turning back to my room. "Goodnight, Granger."

I turned back. "'Night Malfoy." 

I took of my robes and pulled on my pajamas. As I settled into bed, I couldn't help but replay every conversation I had with Malfoy today. A smile crept onto my face without me realizing it. 

For the first time that day, I wasn't thinking about Ron.

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