The way his hair falls, the way he stands, the sound of his voice in class. How do I describe it without my friends thinking I'm crazy. No good boy like that want a girl covered in tattoos, rides a motorcycle, and is in the criminal world. help me...
His eyes seem to search mine every so often to see if I am okay, and can't help the smile that I hide with my hair. He seemed actually interested in me when he asked to take me to go see a movie; however, I can't risk my father seeing me out with a guy let alone know that one drove me home. So I told him to drop me off about a block away. As I got out of the car I looked around for my dad's beat up1999 mustang-thank god its no where in sight.
"Thanks for the ride Zack it means a lot. I'll see you at school tomorr-"
"look I know this isn't your house and I won't pressure you on it, but I'll drive you to school tomorrow so you aren't late. There is a park two blocks that way.." He pointed behind us and he gave me a smile as he talked to me in his deep voice, his eyes staring at with so much care, Its very weird for me to see this from a guy other than my friends. "walk there tomorrow morning and I'll pick you up there since you don't want me to see your house okay?"
I was shocked to say the least her didn't demand he drives me to my house. He didn't want me to jump in the back seat so he can do things to me. He just told me where to meet him in the morning to get a ride to school. This boy is asking for me to get beat to all hell, but so far it has been worth being around him. He hasn't pressured me for information and he has even tried to touch me in any way. I like him, and I want to keep him. Well you know what I mean right?
"umm.. I can be at the park by 6"
"perfect I'll see you then Becca"
I closed his door and he drove off without waiting to see what direction I would go, So I walked the block home which is a block from that park he mentioned. Well here goes nothing.
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As I walked in the door, I only get a glimpse of the fist before it connects with my cheek, sending me back stepping into the door frame.
"YOU GOT A FUCKING TATTOO?!" My father's voice boomed as he grabbed my arm and jerked me towards him his foul breath fanning across my face like a tidal wave of alcohol. Please don't let your friends do things to me. Please don't let your friends to things to me. Was the only thing that crossed my mind as my father pushed me into the living room, and sure enough his friends are in there. He pushed me to one of them before whispering in my ear "They are paying me good money to have your ass Rebecca. You better do what they want or you are eating out of the toilet tonight"
I then watched as they all argued who would go first, the last straw has been struck and I ran out that front door like a bat out of hell.
**A/N im so sorry i had gotten pregert and he is 7 months old now. And this chapter is shorter than i originally had it becuz my laptop decided it wanted to break. But please comment if you guys want me to continue idk if anyway even likes it so far