✈️Chapter 1✈️

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*beep beep beep beep-* "SHUT UP DAMMIT!" You scream as you throw your alarm clock to the floor. Lately you've been up later, because you do paperwork instead of your actual job because the lack of stars.

You look through your wardrobe and grab out whatever. You end up with some overalls and a black and white striped shirt. It was okay.
You folded them both up as you walked to your bathroom and set them neatly on the counter by the sink. You turned the water on medium and took your clothes off.


You grabbed your purse, glasses, and paperwork. You used the hairtye to wrap around the documents so they wouldn't fly away in the fresh spring wind. You clipped two erasable pens to the stack and headed for the door. You were going to a nearby park. You could drive but it was a five minute walk. You lock your apartment and start down the stairs.


You found a park bench with a table attached and sat there. As soon as you took the hairband off your documents- ZOOM! Someone goes speeding past you and every paper scurried off the table. You sigh in defeat. It hadn't rained in about 2 weeks so the dirt was dry. But that wasn't the point. The person supposedly chasing whoever that was was about to step on my papers before noticing and coming to a quick stop. "I can help." He said softly. You nod and both of you begin picking up the papers.

•❦•Namjoons POV•❦•

I wonder if Jimin knocked these over when he was running. Yah? Does that say BigHit? The company I'm auditioning for? Maybe she works there! She seems to be really good at makeup but she's doing this work? They should've hired her as an aesthetic artist. There were 3 papers behind the bench that the girl picked up herself. She sat them on top of my papers that were previously picked up. "So what's your name?" I asked politely. "Y/N, Y/N L/N. You?" "Namjoon, Kim Namjoon." "That sounds oddly familiar!" She laughed. So maybe she does know who I am. I hear fast paced feet behind me. Without even looking, I mumble "Yes Jimin?" "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID YOU EGG HEAD! YOU'RE HERE FLIRTING WITH A GIRL WHEN YOU SAID YOU'D TAKE ME TO THE PARK! you PROMISED ME YOU WOULD TAKE ME AND HERE YOU ARE HANGING OUT WITH A GIRL! " He barked. "I still don't understand why you can't take yourself. Invite Jungkook or Taehyung, better yet invite the sunshine himself! I told you I wouldn't be much fun. You didn't listen. Because no one ever listens to me!" He sneered. "Heh..." Y/N mumbled. "Go away you no jam having, short freak." I said lazily. "BUT YOUR LITTLE GIRLFRIEND IS SHORTER THAN I AM!"

•❦•Y/Ns POV•❦•

OH HELL NO. I stood up on the table and started screeching "ME? SHORTER THAN YOU? IM NOT 4'10. YOU'RE ONLY LIKE 16!
YOU BETTER SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE SOMETHING HAPPENS! I WILL BEAT YOUR SORRY ASS FOR A MAN IF THAT WHAT YOU WANT! YOU WANNA GO LIL GUY" They both stood there, stunned. "What?" I asked as I got off of the table. "I'm 23..." Jimin said. "OH SHIT... sorry!" I apologized followed by a bow. Namjoon stood there clapping. What a day it's already been even though I woke up an hour ago. What else is gonna happen today?!?

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Alright alright. I know I have 1 book I need to finish. But that one honestly bores me. I've had this idea for this book for about a month. Sorry it's pretty short. Here's to y'all Namjoon Stan's. We must stand strong together and show our love for our leader. Also sorry for the constant POV switching.

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