✈️Chapter 3✈️

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"It's too early! 10 am? I don't even have work- Right. The new idols. Shit! I was supposed to be at work at 10!" You say frantically.

Suddenly your here the ringtone of your phone.
"Bang Si-Hyuk is calling."

You pick up you're phone while shaking.
(Bolded is Ay Yo It's Hitman bang)

"Hi y/n, the flight has been delayed two hours, you seem to be running late, so finish packing your bags for the 3 month trip."

"3 months?!? Uh- Okay. So I should be there around 12:30?"

"Yes. You're gonna have to meet the members and pick someone to sit by, since there are 7 members."

"Yeah okay. Am I paying for my hotel or?"

"Everything including food is provided. Just bring yourself and some clothes."

"Alright then, I will be there soon!"

You press the end call button lightly and flop back onto your bed. You had already started packing for a week trip, but know you had to triple it. You threw in some clothes that you hadn't worn in years. You figured you'd just buy new clothes when you arrive in America.

Speaking of America, you had no idea WHERE in America you were going. That didn't matter to you though, you were excited, as you've always wanted to go to America, specifically Florida and California. You sigh as you grab some jewelry and stuff it into the side pocket of your suitcase. You then grab your car keys and walk out the door. It wasn't fancy, but you didn't care. It got you around, and that's all you needed.

You pull up to the building and stare at it. Even after 3 years of working here, it still made you stare in awe. You break the stare and open your car door, then walk to your trunk to get your suitcase out. You pulled on the handle so you could extend it. Handle fully extended, you drag your suitcase and yourself to the door and open it.

Inside the receptionist greets you with a smile, which you return. A little more walking down the hallway, and BAM! You're greeted with 8 smiles. 7 twenty year olds, and your boss, Hitman Bang. You smile back and tuck your car keys into your jacket pocket. It was the middle of the summer but you wanted to be comfy. "Alright everyone, meet your new stylist, Y/N." Everyone bowed, so you did the same back. "Y/N, Meet Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook." As he said their names, he pointed to them. "Hi everyone!" You say politely. They each take turns saying hello. "Y/N, do you know anyone, let alone wanna sit by them?" Si-Hyuk asked. "I met Jimin and Namjoon yesterday. I've bonded with Namjoon a bit more." "You're fine with her sitting with you Namjoon?" Si-Hyuk questioned. "I don't mind sir." "So its settled. Don't goof off on the plane."

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Guess who's back after like 3 months? Me! I found this chapter to be really boring and almost wanted to abandon it 80000000 times. MEH WHATEVER LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE IM SORRY! Anyway, I hope you'll still with his AWFUL story. I Purple you guys! muah!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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