Capture Chapter 7

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~Your POV~

I was in the safe house well we thought it was safe. We were attacked again but I knocked out of first I don't know how but I wasn't able to use my magic again like before and Lucy didn't have her keys. 

~Time Skip~

I woke up first and I was tied up again and I tried to burn they rope but it was anti-magic rope which I was annoyed about but then I heard. "Haha The Princess is mad because she can't use her magic to free her self." Gajeel said. "I am not mad but you need to leave us alone." I tell him. I can hear footsteps but the smell was unfamiliar but then Lucy woke up and Gajeel kicked her against the wall and then did the same to me but it was in the stomach. I can also hear all the noise coming from the outside I know Fairy Tail has defeated the Element 4  then I hear footsteps and I can smell Natsu so I decided to scream his name so he can find us. 

~Natsu POV~ 

I can hear Y/N scream my name so I start to run faster. I just wanted Y/N back so badly so I can tell her how I feel but I mean we kissed once but that was it so I wanted to do it again. 

~Time Skip (I am sorry I am not very go at fight scene but you should knows what happens) ~  

~Your POV~

I saw what happened between Gajeel and Natsu. Lucy untied me so I made fire so Natsu can eat it. l started to heal Natsu when my Sky Magic. After that Natsu hugged me and said "Promise me you won't leave me again." "Only If you promise me to not leave me." I laugh "But I promise not to leave you." I told him. "Promise I won't leave you either." He responded. I was about to say something back but then Natsu kissed me on the lips and I kissed back. Then Natsu broke the kiss and whispered in my ear, "Will you be my girlfriend?" "You did come to save your girlfriend." Gajeel said. But Just kissed Natsu and nodded my head to his question. Lucy said "AWWW Y/N I am so happy for you." I just giggled at her comment. "Hey Gajeel did your dragon leave July 7 year x777 too?" I asked him. "Yeah why do you care." "I was wondering because mine dragon and Natsu's dragon left that day without a trace. Now we be leaving good bye." I said we went outside to see they guild. I immediately changed from happy to sad and Natsu saw and asked what wrongs. I just started crying into is chest. Then Master said "Don't cry we are in this together."  Lucy was crying too but she said it was her fault but then we stop and started to rebuild the guild. They magic console came and interviewed us.   

~Time Skip~

~Lucy POV~   

I talked to Y/N about confronting dad and she agreed but she said that will bring Natsu because of their promise and they are dating. So we are on the train and Y/N cast here troia spell on Natsu but doesn't work on here so has motion sickness. Natsu is trying to make her feel better but doesn't seem to be working cause she is still sick. 

~Time Skip~ 

~Your POV~  

We arrived at the Heartfilia Mansion and Natsu was super shocked that we lived here all of the maid and servants came to give us hugs and they were all teasing me about Natsu because we came in holding hands. "Miss Lucy, Miss Y/N the master request you presence." one of the maid say. Lucy and I look at each other. I am still holding Natsu hand. Lucy goes gets dressed into one of her fancy dresses but I don't have fancy dress but Lucy made wear on of her it was a light blue dress with a pink rose and off the shoulders. I walked out with Lucy and Natsu just stared at me. " What I had to wear these thing ever since I was little it a big deal now come on." I tell Natsu and we walk into my dad room. The real reason he wanted us was to get married and have children. "I WILL NOT LET CONTROL ME ANY MORE YOU LEFT ME IN THE FOREST TO SURVIVE ON MY OWN! I AM NOT GOING MARRY SOMEONE I NEVER MET AND I ALL READY FOUND SOMEONE I LOVE. The only reason I came today is to tell you to never mess with Fairy Tail again or I will not hesitate to hurt you because when you are a enemy of Fairy Tail we will crush you!" I say grab Natsu hand and walk away.

~A/N I know this might be longer than my other chapter but I hope you like it.~

Cya- Avery

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