Drarry One Shots

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Harry Potter hummed happily while walking down the halls of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. He was taking a walk to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Although he was uncomfortable around her a lot of the time, she didn't get many visitors and harry felt sorry for her. As he walked in, ignoring the 'out of order' sign, as always, he became intrigued by the sound of someone crying. It wasn't myrtle- this was a boy's voice. Harry was automatically very curious as to who the awful sobs were coming from, and being harry, he decided to investigate rather than leave. He tiptoed quietly towards the source of the noise, only to be met with the unmistakable white blonde hair of Draco Malfoy. He ducked behind a stall and peered to watch. Malfoy was the one crying- Harry never thought he'd see the day. He lifted his head and looked in the mirror. He was pale, and had bloodshot eyes. He looked sleep deprived. Harry had to restrain a gasp at the appearance of his arch enemy. Draco reached in his pocket for something, and Harry craned his neck for a better look. It was shiny and silver, yet very small and... Sharp looking. Harry then realized- it was a razor blade. Malfoy lifted his sleeve, put the razor to his skin and let out a sob that even made Harry flinch. Draco was going to cut off his dark mark. Harry couldn't just stand there- and let him cut into his skin. His sudden instincts took over as he jumped up and yelled,
"DRACO MALFOY!" He did it as loud as he could, as if the boy wouldn't be able to hear him. Draco jumped into the air and whipped his head around, not moving the blade from his arm.
Draco gave him a perplexed face, which shortly turned into anger.
"POTTER!" He furiously wiped at his eyes, and glared at Harry.
"Get the bloody hell out of here!" Tears had already begun forming again.
"Draco..." Harry began cautiously. He needed to make it clear that he wasn't going to hurt him.
"Put the blade down."
Draco's tears came faster.
"Why should I? Why do you care, anyway? I need to get it off."
That's when he broke down. He sunk to his knees and buried his hands in his face, sobbing.
"Just... Get.... Out of here." He said through muffled cries. Harry wasn't going to listen. He slowly walked over to Draco, snatching the razor blade. He slowly, hesitantly, reached over with his hand shaking. He touched Malfoy's shoulder, causing him to jerk away with a look of panic and anger still on his face. Harry understood, of course, but wasn't giving up that easily.
"Draco, get up. Come with me."
"No. Go away, Potter, I don't need your pity." He spat back.
"I don't pity you", Harry lied. "I just..." He sighed and looked down at Draco. He was glaring at Harry, looking between him and the exit. "I want to help you, I guess. I don't know. Just come with me." Harry began walking, looking backwards as he did so. Draco reluctantly followed- he didn't know why, but he just didn't want to be left alone.
'Why would Saint Potter want to help ME?' Thought Malfoy. This must be some sort of trick, but he went anyway. It was like he couldn't control where he was walking.
"W-where are we going?" Asked Draco. He was still crying slightly, although the tears had slowed down. Harry didn't answer.
After a few more minutes of walking, they had reached their destination. The Gryffindor Common Room.
"W-what are we doing here? I can't be seen in here! I-"
"Malf-" Harry stopped himself. The least he could do was be a little bit- he cringed inwardly- comforting. "Draco.... No one is here. Remember? It's April vacation. You're sleeping in the common room tonight."
"What? No. Absolutely not. Potter, I will be perfectly fine in my own dormitory. I'm fine."
"Draco, I don't know what is in your dormitory. There could be sharp things and I don't trust you. I need to keep an eye on you, alright? I refuse to be responsible for you bleeding out. So I suggest you cooperate before I'm forced to use petrificus totalus on you."
Draco glared. He had pretty much composed himself at this point, despite the fact that his face was still red and puffy. He followed Harry up to his dormitory, complaining the whole time.
"Oh yes, Saint Potter, always has to be a hero. Not to offend you or anything, but I don't need to be looked after by the little golden boy."
"Draco, it is getting late and I'm honestly exhausted. You are not leaving. You can sleep on the couch in the common room."
Draco scowled but didn't say anything else.
"Draco, those clothes are dirty and uncomfortable. Put these on." He threw him a pair of plaid pajamas, the most comfortable and warm pair he could find. Draco whined and grumbled, but after maybe 3 minutes of Harry begging, he dismissed himself to the bathroom to change reluctantly.
He came out around five minutes later wearing them, and harry smiled triumphantly.
"Now you may go to bed."
Harry lay awake the entire night to make sure Draco would be alright. Honestly, he had no idea why he cared about him- he was nothing but a git. A slimy, annoying, racist, no-good git. But when he was in that bathroom, ready to hurt himself, harry felt like he had to do something. To protect him. And as of right now, the slimy, annoying, racist, no-good git was.... Fragile? If that was the word for it. Harry was then snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a yell come from downstairs.
Harry immediately shot up from his bed and began running downstairs. He heard the scream again, and this time, he could tell exactly who it was.
Now Harry was beginning to panic as he made his way to the common room. However, when he arrived, he wasn't met with what he had expected. Instead of seeing Draco getting murdered- he had thought the worst- no one was there. In fact, Draco was still asleep. Harry was confused for a second, but when Draco thrashed and screamed, "DONT!" In his sleep, harry realized he was having a nightmare. He jumped over to the couch and began shaking him. "Malfoy! Wake up... Come on, Draco, it's just a dream, just a bad dream..." Malfoy stirred, and his eyes shot open. When he saw the look of concern on Harry's face, he began sobbing for the second time that evening (That must be some sort of record, thought harry) into his hands. Harry then did something that surprised them both- he pulled Draco Malfoy into a hug. Draco then did something even more surprising- he hugged back. They must have sat like that, draco crying into Harry's shoulder, for a good 15 minutes.
"Do you want to talk about it...?" Harry finally asked.
"I-it was...." Draco couldn't even finish his sentence before he was crying again. "Him. H-he killed them."
Harry didn't have to ask- Draco had dreamt that Voldemort killed his parents.
"Shhh... They're alright. They're alive. He's dead. He's dead, he can't hurt you anymore. There's nothing to worry about, I'm here, I killed him."
This seemed to calm draco down after a while, because he soon pulled away and smiled weakly at harry.
"I.... Thank you." Draco said meaningfully.
"You're welcome. Now come upstairs, you're not sleeping alone."
Draco nodded, and as they walked back up to Harry's dorm, Draco held his arm tightly. And even though it wasn't said, they both knew that they would never be enemies again.

(A/N): Hai guys. So I know I'm a bad writer don't judge me. I wanted to start off dramatic but I swear they're gonna get hilarious and adorable. And dramatic at times but yknow. I'm also taking requests! Thanks guys- I hope you liked it!

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