True Love

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Ink was still a little off edge on what had happened the last weekend, he had never suspected it in Error. He did try to do some new things like help blueberry make tacos. Ink went to the only place he could clear his mind, The multiverse. he opened a portal there but was surprise the Error was there, he slowly tried to sneak away "HeY iNk".  Crap in thought he sighted "hey Error" ink sat next to error. "LiStEn InK, I'M sOrRy AbOuT...lAsT wEeKeNd" ink looked down "it's okay error" ink smiled he grabbed errors hand " I forgive you" ink kissed error (at this point fridge logic) error kissed back. ink broke the kiss and smiled at error. ink layed his head on error shoulder and fell asleep. Error also fell asleep. ink found himself lying on the floor...alone, ink sat up and looked at the stars "Hey ink" ink's head spun around "Oh! hey, cross!" ink had a smile on his face. cross sat next ink, he blushed. "listen ink there's something I wanted to tell you" ink looked at cross a little confused, cross got close to ink face he then whispered "I love you" he grinned, inks eyes widened. he couldn't believe the words he was hearing, all ink did was blush and sit there. cross got up, he opened a portal "let me know when you make you're mind" he walked into the portal as it closed behind him. ink sighted, he sat there..alone again. after a while, he got up and teleported back to star sans base, dream, and blueberry was already there. ink opened the door and went into the house closing the door behind him. Dream jolted and ran up to him "Ink are you alright you look spent!" ink nodded his head yes "I'm fine" he spoke. blueberry hugged ink, dream joined. ink hugged back he carried for his friends. but he still couldn't get his mind off of what cross had said. error, on the other hand, wasn't having any troubles him and his stab hoarse where taking a wonderful nap. ink had to speak with error, about his true intentions.

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