Toy Bonnica

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Requested by: FNAFCharacters01

I can deal with it, but no....


(1. TC is pansexual, TB is straight. They could feel attraction to each other....

(2. TC and TB aren't the best of buddies... but they don't hate each other.... How about tolerate?


Toy Chica is really sassy and a perfectionist, she can never seem to decide what to bake and can be a little insecure, she can become easily jealous, but when it comes to crazy girlfriends, she's the one that would break your car if you cheated on her....

Toy Bonnie is a slight pushover, he prefers to be alone sometimes and can get quite anxious being on stage for too long. He's the one that would just put pickles on a burger even though the person didn't order with pickles, because he forgot what they wanted....

Yeah, TB and TC aren't going to be in a relationship.... I doubt they would even consider it....

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