f i f t e e n | The Diary

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Aisha's Point Of View°°°

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Aisha's Point Of View

I stood up wiping off my tears. Blood was flowing profusely, I had to stop it or he'll die. I immediately found the first aid box and walked up to him. I started putting the bandages on his forehead and the wound on his hand. I immediately bandaged his wounds and went back to put the box in the drawer.

It was then that I noticed a brown diary kept in the drawer. I took the diary out, placing the first aid box back into its place. I looked at Siddharth once, he was unconscious. The blood had stopped flowing, hopefully he would be fine.

I slowly opened the diary.

This belongs to The Siddharth Goenka.
Do not touch without permission.

I gulped nervously and looked at Sid. He was unconscious. I drew in a deep breath as I walked back to the bed. I could not lift Siddharth back onto the bed because of his weight and I did not want to hurt him any more.

I opened the next page,

Date : 12th January, 2014
Today was my beloved Anjali's birthday! We went to the restaurant and enjoyed a lot. In the morning I picked her up from her house...”

The page gave a detailed description of the girl, Anjali and his enjoyment. I skipped a few pages,

“Date : 23rd January, 2014
I still cannot believe that we are so much in love. Today, my dear friend, I will tell you about how I fell for her.

We were in High School when I started liking her. She was the typical nerd at school and I was the Bad Boy. I knew she liked me but she would never have the guts to tell me anything. It was pretty ordinary when she was sitting in the class alone and reading a book. I walked into the class room to find her.
"Hey! Wassup nerd?", I asked with a wink.
"No.. Nothing.", She mumbled softly.
I sat on the seat in front of her and turned towards her.
"So, would you like to go to the farewell prom with me?", I asked as she looked up at me in shook.
"Why would you take me?", She asked softly.
"Because I want to.", I said with a wink as she turned her face back to her book, blushing. I loved how she would become shy.

The prom was so amazing and I fell heads over heels for her. She looked so pretty that day in her red gown..",

The page said much more about the beauty of Anjali. So, now I understood why Siddharth hated love so much.. most probably his previous Love had gone very badly. I drew in a sharp breath and turned the Pages.

Finally I reached the last page of the diary which read,

Date: 5th August, 2015
Today, everything fell apart for me.. I lost what I lived for.. I lost her forever..
My Anjali..
Today, we were driving towards the nearby hills. We were out for a road trip... We had paused beside a tree to eat something when suddenly several men surrounded our car with guns...”,

Just then I felt like Sid moved a little. I immediately stood up and placed the diary back into the drawer and shut it. Siddharth slowly got up holding his head.
He looked at me as I walked back towards the bed. It was around one at night. He slowly stood up.
"You are disgusting!", He said holding his head in pain.
I looked down at the carpet. He looked up at me in hate.
"You will pay for this!", He said harshly as he pulled me by my arm towards himself. I bumped onto his chiselled muscular physic. He held me by my neck. He held his head with his other hand.

I did not move away, of course I had hit him really badly and I could not deny it.
"How dare you..?", He asked in a low, dangerous whisper.
"I'm.. I'm sorry..", I mumbled as he was taken aback. His grip on my hand loosened.
He looked at me with a raised brow and stated,
"What were you reading in my diary?"


Author's note:
So there you go with today's chapter..!
Tell me how it is.. in the comments section below!



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