The Bad Girl And The Good Boy

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Hi, My name is sally but people call me Sal. I am one of the kids who gets about 100 afters schools a year and i all whys get UG's and E's, People also call me Bad Girl which is what i am really.

"Class all say hi to Billy he is a new student at are school'.

'Hi Billllllyyyyy" shouted the class.

"There is a seat next to Sally for you Billy" Whispered Mrs Whipple

Billy slowly walked towards me he quickly sat down on the chair next to me.

"Ewwwwww!" I yelled loudly.

"I am not siting next to this nerd!" I yelled even louder.

"well you have to Sally because the seat next to you is the only free seat." Mrs Whipple replayed softly.

At recess i saw Billy and his nerdy friend's talking about me i over heard Billy saying he had a crush on me, i am pretty but he is just..... Ewww. He is kinda cute but he needs to change before anything happens!

"Hey Billy i need to give you a makeover come over to my house at 7pm tonight!" I said nicely

"errrrmmmm Ok!" he whispered.

*Ding Dong* It was Billy he was at my door

"come in" i said excitedly

Billy walked in and he was happy i gave him a new look he looked amazing

"If you look like this for the rest of high school I will date you after a week of you having this look also you have to hang out with me.

The next day........

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