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Name: Y/N Mjolnir

Birthdate: October 20, 1995

Age: 19-21

Meister Type; Sword Meister, Hammer Meister, Scythe Meister, Utility Meister

Alias: Maverick, The Reaper, Crimson Swordsman

Relatives: Marie Gorgon~Mother, Leone Mjolnir~Younger sister, Yang Xiao Long~Sister, Ruby Rose~Younger half-sister, Medusa Gorgon~Aunt, Arachne Gorgon~Aunt, Shaula Gorgon~Aunt, Crona Gorgon~Cousin

Race: Witch, Meister

Weapon Partners: Marie Mjolnir (via bond)

Yang Xiao Long (via bond)

Yang Xiao Long (via bond)

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Leone Mjolnir (via bond)

(I'm making them Sisters and they're your younger siblings)

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(I'm making them Sisters and they're your younger siblings)

Weapon Forms:

Significant other; Neopolitan (formerly), Kimial Diehl (romantic interest)

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Significant other; Neopolitan (formerly), Kimial Diehl (romantic interest)

This is the info on the Sisters, Crona, and the Gorgon relatives

Leone Mjolnir

Birthdate; February 25, 1996

Age: 18-20

Alias: Lion Goddess, Battle Angel

Relatives: Marie Gorgon~Mother, Y/N Mjolnir~Elder brother, Yang Xiao Long~Younger sister, Ruby Rose~Younger half-sister, Medusa Gorgon~Aunt, Arachne Gorgon~Aunt, Shaula Gorgon~Aunt, Crona Gorgon~Cousin

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