XXII - Devil's Trap

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"Where is he?" Dean asks, struggling to keep himself together; his voice sounds like windshield cracking as a rock collides with the glass.

You stare at Dean as the green in his eyes fade just a shade. Sam looks away, color draining from his face. You hold your breath like it's your hope that John is alright.

Wordlessly, Dean closes his phone, hanging up the call. The phone balances on the tips of his limp fingers. "They've got Dad," he says, but his voice doesn't sound like his own anymore. Dean paces into the center of the room, steps brisk but heavy.

"Meg?" you ask, weight shifting from foot to foot.

Dean nods, gaze down. His eyes skirt all around the floor, not really seeing anything.

"What did she say?" Sammy asks anxiously.

"I just told you, Sammy," Dean snaps, tone grave. He wipes a hand over his eyes and down the side of his face. "Okay," he repeats in a calming mantra, "okay." He turns around, eyes landing on the colt laying on the nightstand, and grabs the gun, stuffing it in the back of his jeans and under his shirt.

"What are you doing, Dean?" Sammy asks his brother as Dean grabs what little belongings you all brought into the motel room.

"We got to go," Dean replies, stuffing shirts into his duffle bag.


"Because the demon knows we're in Salvation. Alright? It knows we've got the colt, it's got Dad, it's probably coming for us next," Dean explains hurriedly, slipping into his jacket.

"Good. We've still got three bullets left. Let it come," Sammy replies.

"Listen, tough guy, we're not ready," Dean retorts, fear starting to show on his face. Sam registers this and is quiet as his brother continues. "We don't know how many of them are out there. Now, we're no good to anybody dead." Dean pauses, catching his breath and closing the duffle bag. "We're leaving. Now."

And with that, Dean storms past Sam and out of the motel room.

You glance at Sammy, catching his eye, and exhale sharply. "He's right," you remark, grabbing your's and Sammy's jackets from the coat hook. You toss Sam his jacket. "Let's get outta Dodge, hmm?"

The impala is already running as you step out of the motel room. You slide into the backseat and check your backpack for all of your things.

Sammy climbs into the car a moment later.

As soon as Sam closes the door, the impala takes off and flies out of the parking lot. You're tossed in your seat a little bit as Dean sharply turns a corner, tires squealing and the impala rocking like a boat in a stormy sea.

"I'm telling you, Dean, we could've taken him," Sam grumbles.

"What we need is a plan," Dean replies, shutting down any opportunity for an argument. "Now, they're probably keeping Dad alive. We just gotta figure out where. They're gonna want to trade him for the gun."

Sam shakes his head, mouth opening and closing.

"What?" Dean questions.

"Dean, if that were true, why didn't Meg mention a trade?" Sam points out and your gut fills with sickening doubt. "Dad, he might be--"

"Don't," Dean says sharply.

"Look, I don't want to believe it anymore than you," Sam pauses, "but if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing." He argues, "We still have the colt. We can still finish the job."

"Screw the job, Sam!" Dean snaps.

"Dean, I'm just trying to do what he would want," Sam responds. "He would want us to keep going."

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