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Brian's pov
"Freddie wait" I say when Roger shut his door. Freddie turned around in surprise.
"I thought you were drunk" he says looking confused. I smile shyly.
"I'm not drunk Freddie" I tell him. Freddie's mouth drops open.
"wait what, so were pretending to be drunk" he asks. I nod looking down at my feet.
"so you actually kissed him because you wanted to" he whispers, mouth still open in shock. I nod again
"why did you pretend" he asks me still very confused. I sigh.
"well I wanted to kiss him without him knowing that I liked him, just in case he didn't like me" I reply. Freddie just stares at me, disbelief written all over his face.
"do you like Roger" he whispers. I nod my head again blushing.
"I realized that I liked him after he kissed me that night last week" I tell him still blushing.
"omg" was all Freddie could say.
"you can't tell him though" I say hurriedly. Freddie sighs.
"I won't, but you have too" he replies with a small smile.
"I think he really likes you Brian" he tells me, making me blush again.
"well I'm off to bed, I'll see you in the morning" Freddie says walking off to his room. But before I could go back into my room Freddie shouts at me.
"hang on, Brian are you gay" he asks. I shrug
"I think so" I say smiling. Freddie runs over to me happily and hugs me.
"aggg I'm so happy for you" Freddie squeals. I laugh at him.
"goodnight Fred" I say pulling away and rolling my eyes. I walk into my room closing the door.
"you mean good morning" Freddie laughs from behind my door. I shake my head smiling and walk back to my bed. He kissed me back I thought to myself, making my smile grow bigger. I lay down onto my bed falling asleep instantly.

Freddie's pov
I walked down the stairs still tired from being woken up at 3 in the morning. Our band had a meeting today. We were going to record two new songs, including rogers car song. I walked into the kitchen and saw deaky sitting at the table eating a piece of toast.
"morning" he says looking up.
"hello darling" I reply smiling.
"did something happen last night I was woken up at 3 in the morning" John asks me.
"I caught Brian and Roger making out" I tell him not realizing what I just said. John looked up in surprise, his jaw dropping.
"wait what" he asks. I bring my hands to my mouth.
"whoops" I say, what's wrong with me I couldn't keep my bloody mouth shut.
"are they together" deaky asks. I shake my head sighing.
"so what happened" deaky asks me, still in shock.
"it's a long story darling" I say.
"I have time" he tells me smirking. I roll my eyes but tell him what happened anyway. Deaky's eyes got wider and wider the more I told him.
"omg" was all John could say once I finished the story.
"Roger told me that he liked Brian as well" deaky tells me excitedly.
"wait, he did" I ask in shock. Deaky just nods his head grinning from ear to ear. We both grin happily.

"what are you two so happy about" it was Roger.
"nothing" John says.
"oh nothing at all darling" I tell Roger.
John sips his tea, giving me a knowing look. Roger looks at us not believing a word we were saying. But he just rolls his eyes and starts to make toast.

Later we were all in the recording studio, arguing.
"no Roger I'm not singing your stupid car song" I yell at him.
"fine I'll sing it" he yells back. I laugh at him.
"fine go for it" I tell him smirking. Roger glares at me. 
"OK stop arguing" deaky says. 
"I think that you will be great" Brian tells Roger smiling.
"of course you would say that" I whisper under my breath. Deaky looks at warningly. I roll my eyes.

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