who is my crush:)kookie

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Hello i tink your'e love this book

Today is the first day of first year high school "oh fuck i'am fucking late for school  i'am gona get detention for 2 hours after class oh fuck"
I get to school and i see a boy a fucking cute boy and i walk to hem "hello can you  thold my where is de princepal office" the boy blush and said "let my go with you  folow me" and i folow hem
In class i time skip

                                                                         Texting onnow number
Uk:hello i'am kim y/n
                                                                                                                            Jeonkookie:hello how are you you now my

Uk: your'e the boy that walk whit my to the princepal office
                                                                                               Jeonkookie:"maybe your'e can be friend wen wy texting".

The fuck why he make my her friend the fuck
Kimy/n:"i'll tink about it"

                                                                                                                    Jeonkookie:"oke texting me in the moring".

Kimy/n:"oke sweet dreams

                                                                                                                                    Jeonkookie:"sweet wet dreams
                                                                           Jeonkookie:"sorrry! Sweet dreams😘 .bitting his lips. ;))
Kimy/n:"💗💗 bye

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