Justin's downfall

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This is a story dedicated to my amazing beat up gang! They are so amazing and I'm so happy to be in the beat up gang! This story is basically what we do in the beat up gang but it's in a full on story instead of mini comments. In this story I couldn't be bothered to right there usernames so these are the names they came up with for me!

@sparkle_1333 - Emily
@Venuspuppy20810 - Isabella
@Ducktaleslover - Star
@googlyeye7 (me) -harmony

These will be their names in the story! Hope you enjoy! Don't worry though this is not real life! All of us are too nice to actually beat someone up in real life! 🤣🤣 anyway hope you enjoy!

Here our heroes were, in what they thought was the final battle. Although they don't share the same bloodline and are only best friends they like to call each other sisters. Once the sisters heard Webby was being bullied by Justin they came straight over to McDuck Manor to settle the fight. Punches and kicks were thrown everywhere. Oh how Justin would go down. Thankfully, all the adults were out at who knows where, so they could do as they please to Justin without getting in trouble. Everyone, except Justin, was having fun, until they heard a scream. It was Emily. Huey had............wait what?! Huey............ Huey punched her? Wow. That was very unlike Huey. Why would he do such a thing?! Well you could tell he felt bad for it.

He ran at Justin hitting him with a bat. Joining the fight. Wow. Huey was on a roll. Are we sure that's not just Dewey dressed up as Huey? Well, whoever it was they were on a roll.

Star ran over and helped Emily up as they shared a smile. Suddenly, Justin.........snapped his fingers? Why would he do that? That's even weirder than Huey beating him up. He's about to get knocked unconscious and his last move is to snap his fingers? Really? Wow. Oh wait. Never mind. That's why he did it.

Suddenly, about 3 of Justin's friends came running through the door of the manor. Pushing through to Justin, before the beat up gang could make another step. Harmony tried stepping forward to help only to be cut off by one of Justin's friends who threw her against the wall. Holding a sword up against her neck. Holding her to her death. She did nothing but laugh. "Do it! I dare you!" She yelled.

Isabella stepped towards Justin's friends, as Emily and Star followed. Turning their backs from Justin, drawing their attention to their little sister. Justins friends moved away from Justin running over to Harmony. He brought Harmony down on her feet but still held the sword at her throat. "Step back! Or else!" He yelled. He's bluffing. He would never actually kill a child.........................would he?

Emily, Isabella and star tried stepping forward but Justin's friend only held the sword tighter to Harmony's neck. Star was the oldest. She couldn't let her youngest sister die so, being the most amazing eldest sister in the world, she kicked the sword out of Justin's friends hand and attacked him. As Isabella joined in the fight. Emily helped Harmony up. Harmony didn't care about herself, she only cared for her sisters. "Emily, I saw Huey punch you and I heard yelling. Are you okay?!" Emily replied to her concerned sister. "Yeah.......yeah......I'm okay. Huey and I just got into a bit of a fight.....that's........that's all." Emily was strong and she tried to hide the fact that she had a bloody nose from when Huey punched her. Wow. That sounds weird. Seriously, Huey's supposed to be the responsible one.

Star came running over to see if her little sisters were okay, noticing Emily's nose. "Emily! Your nose! Are you okay?!" Before Emily could respond to her worried sister, Isabella was thrown over to them by Justin's friend. "Isabella!" They all yelled. Isabella quickly got up. Getting in a fighting stance. Ready to protect. She didn't care that she just got thrown to the ground, she just wanted to help. The beat up gang soon found them self surrounded by Justin and his friends. "Wait! I've got it!" Harmony ran out the door of the manor. Wait, what? She just ran away? Why would she just run away? Why would she just leave her sisters there? There has to be a reasonable explanation, right? Haha..............right?

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