The charm

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Hi guys so A LOT has been happening in the beat up gang and I'm like WAAAAYYYY behind so I think I'll work on this for a while, especially because it's easy because I know what's going to happen so I know what to write. I hope you've been enjoying these chapters so I hope you can enjoy this one too!


There was still no answer from the doctor. All was silent. Not a word was spoken, until some other doctors pushed Harmony out of her hospital room in a wheelchair. "Hey guys!" All stared at Harmony. How was she so cheerful at a time like this? No matter. As long as she was happy.

All the girls ran up to her, shouting her name in joy. "Harmony!" They all embraced in a group hug. As hard as they could, squeezing each other's bones. "Hehe. easy girls. I'm happy to see you too." Harmony spoke, breaking the hug. Maybe it was a little too tight. Star turned to the doctor confused. Why did she look so down? Harmony seemed fine. "So what did you want to say doctor? Our sister looks perfectly fine." All eyes were on the doctor as she spoke is a soft voice. "Uhm girls? May I speak with you in private?" The girls looked at each other concerned. What did the doctor need to say? There was nothing wrong with Harmony.................................right?

Isabella stepped forward. "Umm sure. If it's ok with Harmony." She turned to Harmony who looked unsure. She just said hi to her friends and now their leaving again. Huey stepped in. "Don't worry. We'll stay with her. Is that ok, Harmony?" Harmony sighed, relieved. She did want to spend more time with her family but she was more concerned about being left alone............again. She didn't like being alone. She was alone her whole life. "Yeah sure! It'll give me and the boys some catch up time anyway!" She smiled as the girls walked off with the doctor.

The doctor went in the closest empty room and closed the door. The moment the door closed Star demanded answers. "Ok doc' what's wrong with her?" The doctor put her head down once again and stated, "well you see.........." this was getting frustrating for the girls. Waiting and waiting. No more waiting! Isabella stepped forward. "Well what? Spit it out!" The doctor sighed. She didn't know how to explain this to them. She didn't want them overreacting or getting upset, even though they have every right to. She took a deep breathe before explaining. "You see girls. Last night Harmony...........................she umm..." The doctor could tell by their frustrated faces she had to spill the truth. No matter how much it would hurt them. No matter how angry or sad they may get. They were patients and right now their patience was running out. The doctor took a final deep breathe. This was it. No one knew how it would go on after this. It might just change everything. "She...................

She stopped breathing last night. We had to perform CPR on her."

The girls mouths dropped open. They didn't know what to feel. Mad? Sad? Guilt? Regret? Some insane combination of the four. Isabella and Emily looked over to their sister, Star, who was puffing and burning bright red. Well that's one emotion off the list. Anger. And a whole lot of it too. "What?! What do you mean she stopped breathing?! Why?!!!" The doctor felt sympathetic towards the girls but still had to do her job. "Miss, I'm going to have to ask you to lower your voice. Their are sick patients in this hospital and some are even in surgery's. We are unsure of why this happened. We just know could happen again." Hearing this Isabella just stormed straight out of the room. "Right! That's it! I'm out!" The doctor tried to stop Isabella from leaving but she just kept walking. She stormed outside the hospital and sat on the step with her head in her hands. Star ran at the doctor and tried attacking her but Emily held her back. "Woah woah hold on sis! There might be a cure. Doctor?" Emily let go of Star as both girls stepped back. Emily looked concerned for her sister. What was going to happen to Harmony? Was there a cure? Star felt rage and anger course throughout her body. How did the doctors not know what was wrong? They were doctors! They should know! The girls stood waiting for the doctors answer. The moment the doctor opened her mouth to speak they moved closer in concern. "Unfortunately, there is no known cure yet." The doctor drew her attention to the ground. Both girls froze like statues, once again, lowering their bottom lip. Emily's eyes began twitching. "What?! What do you mean no cure! Why I outta!" She tried running at the doctor but this time Star was the one to hold her back. The doctor watched as one girl tried attacking and the other tried holding her back. "Please miss! I don't want to have to call security!"
The yelling was so loud you could hear it from down the hallway. You could hear it from where Harmony and the boys was having some "Catch up" time.
"Wait. Did you guys hear that?" Harmony would know that shout anywhere. It was coming from her sisters. "The girls! There in trouble!" As quick as she could Harmony wheeled her way to the hospital room. The boys tried to stop her but couldn't. She slammed the door of the hospital room open. "Girls! What's going on? Are you okay?" The doctor stood back at the door, almost being crushed by it but missing by a millimetre. Star and Emily's eyes widened as they stared at their younger sister then back up to the doctor who was gesturing to keep quiet. If Harmony found out what was wrong, she would overreact which puts her at higher risk of not breathing again. The boys came rushing in after Harmony, puffing. Louie leant against the door. "Sorry.....we couldn't get her..........she.....She's gotten fast on that wheelchair." Dewey and Huey nodded in agreement. Although she hadn't been in the wheelchair for long she got pretty fast in it. Harmony just said it was because her sisters were in danger and it was her "instinct" to go fast. She looked behind her to see what the girls were looking at. The doctor? What did she do wrong? She helped Harmony. That wasn't wrong. As soon as Harmony's head was pulled to the doctors, the doctor nervously smiled. "Umm hehe." As a doctor she had to stick by orders and not let her patient find out about what happened. The doctor shook her head, snapping her back into reality, acting professional again, as if nothing had happened. "Please miss, this is a private conversation. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Harmony didn't listen. She was putting her foot down. Well, her wheelchair down. She wasn't moving. "No! I'm not leaving them! Why were they yelling?" The doctor looked at Star and Emily who she could tell were about to crack the truth. "I'm sorry I have to do this Harmony but......guards!" Almost immediately the guards came around the corner and pushed Harmony's wheelchair out, with a Harmony in it. "Hey! Stop it! Let go of me! I have to help them! No! Stop!" Emily put her head down and sighed,
whilst whispering, "sorry Harmony." Star Yelled for her sister, even though she wasn't in real danger. "Harmony!" She glared at the doctor then ran out of the room. "I'm going after my sister!" The Doctor tried stopping her, putting her arm out, but it was too late. Star had already run out.
The guards wheeled Harmony's wheelchair outside and left her there. "Heeeeeeyyy! This isn't over! I'm coming back in the..."She stopped when she realised who was outside with her. "Isabella?" Isabella turned around and stood up immediately. "Harmony? Harmony!" She ran to her sister and gave her a big hug. Star came running out seeing this and joined in as both girls hugged Harmony with tears in their eyes. Harmony hugged them back but was confused on why they were upset. "Girls? I'm glad to see you too but why are you crying?" Both girls stood up as Isabella looked at Star who was signalling her not to tell Harmony what had happened last night, so instead of blurting the truth, Isabella told a little white lie. "Uuuhhh nothing. We're just glad to see you."
Back in the hospital room the doctor had given Emily some tablets stating that they would make Harmony heal faster. She was to take these tablets once every day and it would work......hopefully. Emily thanked the doctor and ran out to her sisters as they all embraced in a group hug. This time Isabella Began crying. "Isabella?" Emily asked. "What's wrong?" Isabella was being selfless and didn't want to make others sad so she denied she was sad. "Oh umm...nothing." The girls didn't buy it. They knew something was wrong. "Hey sis, while you girls where in the room Louie taught me some tips on lying and tricks to help us in the beat up gang. Your not lying to me are you?" Harmony raised an eyebrow as Isabella responded. "NooOOoOoooOoO." If it wasn't obvious before. It was definitely obvious now. Star stepped forward. "Come on sis! Where the beat up gang! Trust us!" Isabella knew she couldn't lie anymore. They would catch onto her eventually. She sat back down on the step and began speaking. "I think I was 5? Maybe 6? My mum passed away and my dad blamed me for it. He said it was my fault. He said he never wanted to see me again and ran off with his girlfriend to live in who knows where. I still remember the last thing he said to me. It was that I was a disgrace and that my mother would have been disappointed in me." Isabella started crying again but wiped away her tears. Emily put a hand on her sisters shoulder sitting down next to her. "None of it was your fault. Your mother loved you no matter what. She still does. That jerk of a father doesn't deserve you!" Isabella smiled at her friend. "I just have a feeling that.........that he might come back one day. What happens then? I don't think I can take that." Star sat on the other side of Isabella and put a hand of comfort on her back. "Well then we'll protect you. We won't let him hurt you again." Isabella smiled wiping away more tears that had bombarded her, however,the girls could still hear someone crying. They turned around to see Harmony in the corner crying. Trying not to let anyone see but the girls realised. All girls stood up and started walking over to their sister slowly. "Harmony? Are you ok? If you need me to go get the doctor I wi..." Emily didn't get to finish her sentence as Harmony turned around and tried reassuring the girls All was ok but they knew something was wrong. "I just told my story. Now you tell yours. Trust me. It feels good to let it all out." Isabella comforted her sister putting a hand on her shoulder. "I-i was just thinking of my-my parents." Star spoke, "your parents? Well what happens to them?" Harmony took a deep breathe and began to explain. "I was 3 or 4 years old. I remember my mum and dad were in a fight wit some bad guys and they had me with them. My memory is a bit blurry now but I remember they to put me in the vents to keep me safe. The last time I saw them they got shot to the ground. That part I wish to forget but never can. I remember that one clearly. They were shot right in front of my eyes." Star and Emily looked at each other in concern. Before leaning down and comforting their sister alongside Isabella. "It's ok now. We're here for you sis." Isabella spoke as she wiped Harmony's tears away. Harmony smiled at her sisters then back at Isabella. "And I promise I'll protect you. I won't let your dad harm you again." There was a moment of silence where they all stood smiling at each other, no words of comfort were needed, their smiles were enough. Emily interrupted the silence with the same cheerful tone she always had. "Well, why don't we go get some ice cream?" All smiled in agreement as they wheeled Harmony to the ice cream shop. At the ice cream shop they all got their favourite flavours and sat down as Harmony asked what she missed. Star quickly explained. "Oh nothing. Except Huey and Emily are a couple now and they kissed and we are planning their wedding even though Donald said Huey had to break up because he's too young to be in a relationship. We're gonna make it work. We'll just do it in secret." Harmony froze with her mouth dropped open. Star said that so casually as if it was no big deal. Emily realised her sis was frozen and so she waved her hand in front of Harmony's face. "Uuhh Harmony? You okay ther..." Emily was interrupted by an excited Harmony. "AAAAHHHHH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! I'LL BE THE FLOWER GIRL!! YOU GUYS MAKE SUCH A CUTE COUPLE!!" Harmony almost stood up forgetting about her paralysed legs but Emily quickly and gently pushed her back down. "Nope." Harmony realised what she almost did. "Oh hehe. Sorry. I'm just so proud of you sis! We should have a sleepover to celebrate! Wanna have a sleepover at my house?" Emily replied with no hesitation as did the others. "Sure!"
Late in the afternoon everyone brought their stuff to the address that Harmony had sent them. They all had to walk down a dirty alley with mice and rats everywhere. "Ewww can we just hurry up and get there already, this is gross." Louie complained. As they kept walking they only got further and further into the junk. There was't as much junk as where the beagle boys live but still more than they were used to, although they do live in a mansion. "Tada!" Harmony held her hands out presenting "So is your house behind the box oooorrrr......?" Louie asked. Harmony just giggled. "No silly! This is my house! I use these blanket to snuggle up like a little baby when I'm cold." It made all of them feel so bad. They now knew to be grateful for what they have. They all lived in a mansion, she lived in the dump. Now they knew. Be grateful for what you have. No one spoke a word. They just went along with it. Making themselves at home. Pretending there wasn't a problem. Why should there be a problem? It didn't matter where they were. As long as they were together.
That night they all played truth or dare. Questions were asked. Dares were made. Secrets were shared. There was even a question if Webby had a crush on Dewey or If Dewey had a crush on Webby. But neither of them answered. They both refused. Most of the questions asked were regarding crushes and who people like liked. That wasn't hard for Emily and Huey to answer, they were already a couple.
That morning all woke up to a horrible smell. "Ugh what is that?" Of course Louie was the first to judge. He's Louie. Harmony cheerfully replied. "I made us all eggs for breakfast." Louie sat down and poked the weird thing with his fork. "Uuuuuhhhh are you sure you waited for the chicken to lay the egg." Huey elbowed Louie signalling him to shut his mouth. Emily sat down and looked at the 'food' that sat before her. "Uuhh hehe looks great sis!" It really didn't look great. Louie was right. It looked like she didn't wait for the chicken to the lay the egg. It looked like she fried the chicken with the feathers. Ew yuck. It was just disgusting. Well, you never know until you try! Emily picked up the fork, took a deep breathe and ate the egg. Harmony just smiled because she thought Emily would like it. Everyone else stared in disbelief. They couldn't believe she just did that. What was going to happen? This couldn't be good. Emily began coughing really hard as Harmony's smile faded. "Are you ok? Are the eggs really that bad." Emily couldn't let her sister know she hated the egg so she told a little white lie, whilst still coughing. "Uhh no. It''s good......I just remembered I'm...umm.........allergic to eggs! Yeah that's it!" Immediately Harmony's eyes grew. "Quickly spit it out!" Good. She bought it. Didn't suspect a thing. Emily spat out the egg as Harmony apologised. "No no it's fine. It was a good egg, though." Emily laughed nervously putting a thumbs up at her sister. "Umm since I can't eat this, I think I might order myself something." Almost immediately everyone yelled. "Count me in!" They didn't even want to touch the 'food' Harmony made. It just wasn't right. Harmony looked at all of them confused. "Was it really that bad?" She asked. Louie with no emotion stated, "yes. Yes it was." Huey, once again, elbowed his brother. Louie had no manners but Isabella did. "No, no. It looks really good! In fact, it actually looks to good to eat!" Saved it. Again, Harmony didn't suspect anything. They all ordered breakfast as Harmony wheeled herself over. "I'm sorry. I've been stuck here for so long training myself for anything. I've been living here alone for 6 years with no one to teach me to cook or how to socialise with anyone. I just............" Everyone stared as tears began forming in her eyes. "I-I made an oath." Dewey stood from where he was hovering over the phone, like everyone else. Eager to order some real food. "An oath?" He spoke softly, not wanting to upset her more than she already was. "After I watched my parents die, I promised myself that no one else would get hurt. That's why I trained myself. I promised I would protect everyone. I wouldn't let anyone get hurt ever again, even if that meant sacrificing my life." One by one tears began slowly dripping down her face. Emily put the phone down and walked over to her sister, hugging her. "It's ok sis. Your not alone anymore." They all joined in a group hug which lasted for about a minute. When they broke Harmony wiped the tears from her eyes, realising how many people actually cared about her. Realising how many friends she had.

"Well well well. What do we have hear?" A mysterious guy came from behind her walking slowly with a smirk on his face. Harmony seemed to be the only one who knew him. She put her arms out in front of her friends, ready to protect them. "What do you want Derek?" She asked with a stern and serious voice. Derek snapped his fingers as four strong men came out from behind him. "You know what I want dumpster girl." The four men walked closer as Emily stepped in front of Harmony, protecting her. "Stay away from her!" Emily yelled for her sister, trying to protect her, but the men just pushed her aside. "The charm! Give me the charm!" Derek held out his hand waiting for his orders to be obeyed, however, Harmony still refused. "In. Your. Dreams." She stated crossing her arms and looking away. "Fine. We'll just have to take it." Derek clapped his hands together twice as the men surrounded all of them. Well, all but Harmony. "No leave them alone!" She tried turning her wheelchair around but two more men grabbed her out of it and took her away. Isabella saw this. "No! Stop! She needs that! She can't walk!" Though, they didn't listen. All three girls tried to push through the men but the men fought back, knocking them out with one punch.
On the plane Derek had knocked Harmony out, tied her up and put a cloth over her mouth, forbidding her to speak or move. It's not like she could move, though. How could she escape when she couldn't walk? "Sir, we knocked the girls friends out. What should we do with them?" One of Derek's guards asked. Derek turned around and laughed evilly. "Leave them. They have no use to us. We have the charm............

That's all we need."

Aaaaannnddd that's it! But don't worry, there'll be more! I have A LOT of catching up to do. Some of the stuff I don't really remember and I'm sort of just winging it! 🤣 anyway I hope you have a good night/day!

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