MNSQ; one

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She shifted through the papers in relation to her house' remaining cost for ownership.

Curses. Joy whispers under her breathe. Why did the company placed her in the state of hiatus when she needed money the most?

"Also, your relationship-", "No. Please do not try, I am still trying to repair the ownership deal of the house." Joy abruptly stops her manager from talking.

"You know that your relationship status will further affect your career and income. Clear this out."

She took a quite glance on her manager, slamming her hands into desk. "I am not in a relationship. I-", "It's not important if it's true or not. You've been in and out of all these scandals, Park Sooyoung.", "How can rumors be scandals?" Joy whispers in exaggeration, tapping her hands into the front close to her manager's frame. 

"What I'm trying to say is..." He sighs.

"The CEO was approving this."

Joy was about to yell, before stopping abruptly. "What?", "Yeah." Her manager left her dumbfounded. "What do you mean agreed upon this? I don't even know that guy." Joy points her fingers, emphasizing her newly pedicured finger nails. Showing an utter and sarcastic disgust, her manager yanks her arm down.

"Listen. You are speaking lowly to the CEO."

Clicking her tongue, she blinked a couple of times, before scoffing. "Hey manager. Are you going to neglect my sake just because he's a CEO?" She dramatically taps her chest. "If the CEO is insisting into a relationship with you, our own boss told me to tell you..." He trails off.

Joy snorts. "No."

"Listen, Joy. This is actually beneficial for the both of you facing tons of rumors.", "He's not interested in me, and vice versa." Joy pointed out, mumbling. "I'm telling you, it's not a rumor." She scoots closer, whispering. "He doesn't seem to like girls, even if it's me in front of him."

Her manager's eyes widen dramatically, as if he was asking her if it was confirmed or not.

Joy nodded, completely convinced that she was drawing him in. "Oh, is that it?" Her manager asks. "Yes." Joy nodded. 

"Do you think I'm buying that?" Her manager stood up, as Joy whined. "I don't want a set up. Let him date any other girls! I need to pay a lot of bills!"

"His company is actually reaching out to ours right now." He replied, as her mouth dropped open. "What?", "Hm, you heard that right."

"What are they telling!?" Joy follows him out the meeting hall through the place, as her manager explained. "After he carried you into a hotel last night, it already blew up without our consent." He explains as Joy bites her lip. "And actually, it was hell. The reporters were waiting for a confirmation."

"How can they ask for confirmation when they are already used with my rumors with even idols?" Joy rolls her eyes. "Since it's a first for the CEO of the Yook label."

She paused, eyebrow raising. "Honestly?" She couldn't believe. At the night she saw him, she expected him to act out all brutally flirty, and even lovely by the way his eyes persuaded her, even allured her with the help of her alcohol.

He looks perfect for a guy, and she was surprised that it was his first ever scandal.

"That's why even the reporters were curious with your relationship with him." 

Joy sighs. "Tell him out, it will be hell if we let him in.", "You see, Joy-"

"I won't allow it. I'm not going to join that shit, sorry. Also, I'm in hiatus. I don't need any dramas for months." She trails off, grabbing her purse.

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