The Buzz Of Emotions - 1 (Nirajan Edit)

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Thank You Nirajan Shrestha For this Edit. :)

Shiny shoes, worn-out pants and crossed legged sits on man on his sofa. A happy and rocking music is played somewhere around. The old man relaxes back on a sofa reading a book, an old one. His face shows no signs of emotional stimulie to the music as what he hears are only the sound of flipping papers. Suddenly, the vinyl record hits the other side and the music genre goes up-so down, now with the dark music being played. The emotions from the music are now vivid in his expression; though the volume of the music has drastically decreased according its genre. His skin is now moisturized with sweat and his eyes rolling rapidly giving no focus on the book he held. He looks anxious, looks stuck and unsure of how to feel better. His heartbeat might have been heavy; as his breathing is. He looks around and finds nothing except the book and the sofa he sits on. All he sees is whiteness and that's it. He gets more of this emotional roller coaster when the music suddenly stops for a while and his mood swings back fading into being emotionless again. He hears another sound then, just as he tried to remember what happened. This time this sound is no music; it was a child, laughing. Not a sardonic smile sound, not a silly cackle, but loud and hearty dulcet sound of laughing out of profound happiness. A laugh from a very beautiful moment; once we all laughed, the moment we all have gone through and the moment that will always remain with-in us. These small ripple vibes did something to him, with-in him. The sweet toned laugh touched his heart and destroyed the barrier he built for himself all his life growing up. He is happy now and he knows it. The emotions flow in forms of tears – of joy. All he wants is to meet the child laughing. He gets up and tries to follow the sound that may lead him to the source but he sees nothing. He wanted to find the source but the inability leaded to what had just subsided; the panic attack, heavy breath and heart, the sweaty skin. Out of frustration he cries, and the sound vanishes into emptiness.

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