Worst Day Ever

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Just a few things before beginning: You're about 18 in this story, you didn't go to college, instead you got a job at bar, to get money towards getting your degree... you will most likely know this but:

I will vary from [ ] and ( )

(y/n) = Your Name

(f/c) = Favorite color

[s/f/c] = Second Favorite Color

[f/s] = Favorite Snack

[m/n] = Mom's Name

[d/n] = Dad's name

[f/t/c] = Fur/Tail Color

(y/n) POV


"Ughnn..." I lazily brushed my hand along my alarm clock, snoozing it.

Ahhhh... quiet...


"Fuuuckkkkk..." Opening one eye, I press the snooze button yet again, more aggressively this time. "Calm down I'm going!" Although, I immediately closed my eyes.


Grabbing the alarm clock, I rip it out of the wall and throw it across the room. Then, falling slowly back to sleep.

My eyes flutter open. Slowly, I realize that I could be late for work. "Shit!!" Frantically, I fall out the bed and scramble to my phone. Praying, the it was before 7 o'clock, which is when I needed to be there.

But God's not on your side... because the time was 7:49. "FUCK!" (No wonder God's not with you (y/n)...0.0) Quickly stripping off my pajamas, I put on my work uniform [ {if you have Polyvore please follow meh!!} what you're wearing]. I worked at a bar, but it gave good money so I could save up for college. Although, lately I've been given less hours so it's hard to save and pay for rent in my small apartment.

Rushing out of the door, I quickly pry open the [f/c] car door and jump in. A horrible smell dominates the interior and I put my hand up to my nose. "Ughh... what even is that horrid smell, it's smells like someone at their shit and puked it back up!" I hold down a vomit and quickly turn on the car swerving onto the streets.

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"Take off the cat ears before boss sees you." Catherine [ looks sort of like this:] whispers to me as I stroll in.

"Huh? What cat ears?" She puts on a straight face.

"He's already mad you're late, wait. A cat tail too? What's up - wait. Is it supposed to move?" She points to my butt.

"Ugh, Catherine I don't have a cat tail or ears!" I look her sternly in her eyes.

Then, she laughs. A lot. After it subsides, she mutters a 'yeah, right' before leaving. I notice how dead the bar is, just one guy in the corner of the room with a black hoodie on. Creepy.

I got blessed with the earlier morning shifts so I didn't have to deal with the major drunks at night. Gwen [ looks like this: ] walks up to me, saying that boss wants to see me, especially being almost an hour an a half late. She then points to my hair. "What's up with those?"

"Eh?" Is all I say before leaving to his office.

"You've gotta get yourself together, [y/n]. This isn't the first time you've been late. I think I will change you to night-- uh, what's with the cat get-up?" He eyes my strangely, and in response I give him a confused look.

"Never mind, but I will give you night shifts from now on. You can Lisa can change hours. Today she will have a day off and you will take both shifts, okay?" I nod. "Great. Get to work, oh and lose the cat ears." I nod again, leaving to the bathroom and nearly choke on the sight.

I have [f/t/c] cat ears sitting peacefully on my head and sure enough the same color tail going back and forth behind my legs. I sigh, putting the tail up my skirt, trying as hard as possible to make it non-noticeable since my lack of clothes. Not knowing what to do with the cat ears, I just let them be. Deciding to tell my co-workers it's a look I am trying. Yeah, that sounds stupid, I know, I know.

I open the door to the bathroom and start to walk out, but majestically trip over thin air and land on my face, Catherine seeing this slaps her hand over her mouth trying to hide a giggle. I start to get up, and guessing she could hold it in any more starts to burst out laughing. Once I was fully standing I see Gwen poke her head in questioning Catherine's sudden outburst. I shrug to her and walk to the bar.

"So, you're not fired?" Gwen asks. I laugh.

"Ahaha, nah you're stuck with me for a little while longer, G."

"Ugh! No! I want you gone!" Catherine falls over to the counter where we are standing, startling me. I put my pointer fingers up like a cross yelling,

"Begone demon!" Gwen starts laughing a little bit pushing her glasses up.

Another guy walks in, and orders a beer. That's how most of the rest of the day went.

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"Oooo, hey little kitty. You should come on home with me and I can make you purr." The annoying man wraps his hand around my waist and tries to pull my skirt down slightly. I aggressively rip his hand from my body.

"Sorry sir, but no thanks." He fakes hurt, then anger.

"Now you listen to me missy. That's no way to speak to a man like me. You little slut should just listen! I'm know to be great in the sheets!" My face twists in disgust. He puts one hand around my waist again and the other on my left breast. I gasp as he starts groping me. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK!! His smile shows pleasure, and I try pushing him off but his grip is too strong.

Before I even knew what was happening, he was on the ground and was being punched.

??? POV

I hated it. The sight of that horrid creature putting his nasty hands on her. Ugh, why do I feel like I should help? Why doesn't he get the hint that she doesn't want to hit the sheets with him? My eyes widen when he puts his hand on her beast. Who the fuck even does that? I didn't even know what kicked in but before I knew what he was doing the guy was on the ground and I think I broke some of his ribs.

Suddenly, something happened to me, like my insanity switch flipped on and I was on the guy punching his face. Over and over again. The [h/c] haired girl is yelling for me to stop.

"Please stop!" A lady with dark brown hair yells to me. Of course I don't listen. She says something to the [h/c] girl, something about not interfering.

It didn't seem to stop her.

"Stop! Please get off of him!" Her hands are on my shoulder and she surprisingly pushes me off him with great strength.

Startled, I fall backwards. On top of her.

"Oof!" I feel her stomach decrease, loosing air. Then, it rises. It seems like forever feeling her breathe and I was oddly at peace. Why do I feel like this? "U-uh can you please get off of me?" Suddenly a guy enters and starts yelling at me, [y/n], and the drunk guy. We were banned from the bar, and [y/n] just got fired. Wait, what?!

"Please don't fire me! I didn't even do anything!"

"Quiet! Get your jacket and leave! Don't ever come back." She slumps and goes behind the counter to get her jacket. Soon, she leaves and curses about the rain outside and not having her umbrella.

Yay!! First chapter, and it's so obvious who's the ??? POV

Anyways hope this chapter was decent, for all you Neko and creepypasta lovers!!

Till next chapter!

oh gosh this was 1,350 words! 3.6 pages, hope this was good...

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