Chapter 3

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Kira is playing her guitar on the stage at the Cyberspace, Hayley, Tommy, Kim, baby Katie and most of the rangers are all listening to her play while Jason is talking with all the other red rangers, Billy is busy with Trini checking out how all the computer systems have been upgraded since he's been away, and Ethan and Trent are trying to see who's the best at arm wrestling, when in walks Conner McKnight, holding his rucksack, as the place is empty, apart from the Rangers, Katie and Hayley, Kira puts down her guitar.

"Hey Conner!"

"Hey Ptera!" replies Conner who looks around and notices Tommy sat at a table with Kim "Hey Tommy!" he continues.

"So, this is the enigmatic Conner McKnight I've heard Kira talking about?" replies Kim

"And you must be Kim" he responds, "Glad to finally meet you!" he continues, offering his hand for a shake

"Glad to see you taught him well Tommy!" comes a voice from the door, Tommy stands up and looks at Adam and Tanya

"When did you two get in?" asks Kat from her spot near Kira

"About 10 minutes ago, Conner came in first while we found a parking spot!" replies Tanya

"Pretty decent guy... for a red!" continues Adam, everyone laughs at this while Conner and Kira are stealing a glance at each other and mouth I Love You to each other, what they don't realise is that they have been noticed by Kim

"Have you two got something that you should tell us?" Kim asked Connor and Kira

"No, not yet!" replies Kira

"Dadda Ran'er!" says Katie, everyone looks at her while she's looking at Tommy, they all look at Tommy who looks at Katie

"Tommy is there something you and Kim want to tell us?" asks Trini

"Katie, come here sweety!" responds Kim, Katie's lower lip starts to quiver

"Katie, it's ok sweety, Daddy's not upset with you, you just shocked me that's all!" replies Tommy, picking up his daughter who immediately gives him a big hug

"Lo'e 'u dadda!" replies Katie

"Love you too princess!" responds Tommy who hands Katie to his beloved girlfriend

"Tommy, Kim, I think it's time you told them!" says Hayley

"I agree with Hayley, if you tell them, then I'll tell my secret!" bribes Kira grinning widely

"If we tell, Jase, you have to promise NOT to attempt to murder Tommy otherwise I'll persuade Trini to let me kill you!"

"And I will!" responds Trini

"Kim and I have been together since your wedding, and we've been living together for the past two years!" Tommy tells Jason

"You've been together for two and a half years?"

"Yeah!" replies a grinning Kim, turning to Kira "Go on Kira, it's your turn!"

"Conner, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, help me... please?"

"Guys, Kira and I have been together for nearly a year now!" Conner says bluntly, Kira runs up to him and jumps into his arms, giving each other a passionate kiss.

"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" replies Katie, everyone looks at her and giggles, Conner walks over to her and kneeling down, he offers her a hug, Kira looks at this and runs her hand over her stomach knowing that her next piece of information will be important.

"Kira, is there something wrong?" asks Aisha quietly, Trini and Tanya walk over to her and take her away

"Conner, we're stealing your girlfriend!" yells Trini

"Why?" he asks

"Pink and Yellow talk!" replies Aisha

"Come on Hayley, you're an honorary yellow!" continues Kim, so Hayley walks over to them and smiles

"Do you mean that?" wonders Hayley

"Definitely" replies all the female rangers

"Right girls, I'll make you a deal, you let Conner and me off, and you can have everyone else help you!" pleads Tommy

"Whaddya mean?" asks Ethan and Trent

"When Kim and Aisha plan a girl talk-time, they ALWAYS plan on going shopping!" replies Adam

"Yeah, and if they get all the other girls involved, it's going to be crazy!" continues Rocky

"Tommy, I'll make you a deal!" responds Kim, sweetly

"What is it beautiful?" he wonders

"You can have every red except Rocky for his comment, but everyone else comes with us!"

"Take them Kim, but I get every other red!"

"Okay everyone, come with us!" grins Aisha and Kim with Tanya and Kat pushing Kira out the door

"Right, now that the girls have gone, let's get down to business, Jason, Andros, T.J., sit down, Conner, we're going to need to talk!"

"Ok Tommy, I know I should have told you about me and Kira, but..."

"... Conner, I'm not mad about you and Kira getting together, I just need to explain to you about consequences if Kira falls pregnant!"

"You want to know if I'll be a responsible grown up and stay with her!"

"Yeah, pretty much!"

"Come on kid, we're all reds here, and if we like your response, then we won't judge you!" responds Jason

"If Kira should fall pregnant with my kid, then I will do the right thing and stand by her, I love her too much to walk away, and a child will only strengthen our love!" replies Conner, which immediately earns him a round of applause from Tommy, Jason, Andros and T.J.

"Conner, saying that just earnt you my respect!" says Jason

"Mine too!" agrees T.J. and Andros

"And more than ever from me!" says Tommy, Conner just smiles a little

"I'm thinking on proposing to her this week!" Conner says bluntly, the other reds look at him happily.

"Well, I'm married to Trini, Rocky's got Aisha, Tommy is dating Kim..."

"Living with her!" interrupts Tommy

"Sorry... living with Kim, T.J. is dating his pink ranger..."

"... Cassie!" interrupts T.J.

"Right, Cassie and Andros is married to his yellow..."


"Right, Ashley"

"Tommy, you gonna propose to Kim?" wonders Conner

"Maybe, you never know!"

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