the old and new me

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Your POV

I ran all away from my house to the host club. I slammed the door open to see the host club and the ladies. They look at me with a blush, heart eyes and squealing. I was wearing glasses like Kyoya, I was wearing a long big black sleeve shirt that's cover my hands and long black pants that's cover my feet. I was holding a stuff bear which it was Mary's own and my hair is messing. I try to open my sleeping eyes but fail." Sorry I'm late everybody, I overslept cause I didn't get enough sleep~" I said in a sleepy and childish voice." SOOOOO CUTE!!!" Everyone except Kyoya and Mori even Haruhi yelled. I open my eyes to see the twins and Tamaki hugging me." What the heck!!!" I yelled as the trio let go. I look down and then at them." I swear this is the old me." I mumble so no one can hear it. But Kyoya did." what do you mean (M!name)?" he asked not taking his eyes off the book. I sigh and sat on the couch." Do you really what to know?" I asked as they nodded and came in close to hear it. I sigh again.

" well, when I was 5, I used to have blue eyes(if yoo said blue eyes before then pick anything else) and wear glasses since I can't see very well. I used to act childish when I was 10 still the same. When I was 13, My parents die in a car accident." I said as some of them gasp and had tears in their eyes." So I use contents which was (e/c) and I act like an adult. When I was 15. So the old me. blue eyes, glasses and childish, became the new me. I really miss the times I have but. I really hate to say this but I really hate the old me." I finish while everyone stay silent. Just then the door open to see Max And Mary and let's not forget Oreo." Can I have my teddy bear (y/nn)~" Mary said as the girls stared at her shock." who's (y/nn)?" They asked as my twins pointed at me." that's (y/nn)." They said as my hand became sweating and thinking about my something. Tamaki and The Twins are stuttering as they try making excuse.  then suddenly an idea pop up.

" well they think I'm a girl, which I'm a guy, but they know so they name me a girl's nickname to show how much they love me." I said as the girls awe. I nodded and told Max and Mary to go home and get ready. they nodded and we walk after saying our goodbyes.'That's was close.' I thought.

A/N: sorry it's short but hope you love it and I'm still thinking what's next for my next Chapter. hope you love the story so far.




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