In and out-pt.2

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-Inside coma (first person point of view)
  I was in math class and we had a test today. I was so prepared for it though. The substitute teacher we had today passed out the papers. When I got the test I started right away. Suddenly, a ringing in my ear happened. I ignored it though I couldn't be distracted. I finished the test last because I checked my answers about twenty times. The bell rang and we all left the classroom. Math was the last class of the day and then we all could go home. I was walking back to my house. I lived in a small town that wasn't that well know or know at all. I had a pretty good life. Good family, good friends, good education. I had both my parents, and even had a brother and sister. My family wasn't really rich, but we weren't necessarily poor either.
  I finally reached my small little house in my small neighborhood. "Hey honey. How was school?" My mom cheered as I walked through the door. "Good. Usually day," I reply with a smile. I put my bag down as I make my way to my room. Then, someone said my name. "What?" I say turning around. "Nothing dear." My mom says confused. "Who said my name?" You question. "I didn't hear anything" My mom said. "Must have been my..imagination" I slowly speak and continue to my room.

-Outside Coma (third-person view)

  Peter finally got to the tower but there was no sign of Thor. "Hey everyone," Peter cheered having no idea what was going on. Tony didn't tell him anything about what happened. He didn't want to worry him to much. Tony just told Peter to come to the tower fast. But Peter soon sensed the gloominess in the air. "What happened?" Peter worried. "'s um..there was a..." Tony couldn't find the right words and there was a long pause. Peter's face was full of worry. "Hey. Where is-" Peter got cut off by Steve. He ran in saying, "Their vitals are dropping!! We're loosing her!" There was a moment of pure fear. "Who?" Peter looked from face to face. "Who are we loosing?!" Peter knew the answer but, was trying to convince himself it wasn't you. Next thing Tony and Steve knew Peter took of to the medical bay. Yelling your name as loud as possible. When he reached the room you were in ,he froze. Orders were being yelled left to right.
"Hand me that tool!"
"Is she going to make it?!"
"Keep her heart beating!"
  Peter walked in and all the Chaos seem to stop for him as he approached you. You guys were best friends and Peter couldn't bare the thought of loosing you. He lost it a little and suddenly yelled your name before falling down crying. "Wake up please" he sobbed
-inside coma (first person view)

  I was sitting on my bed doing homework. I felt a sharp pain in my heart suddenly. Then I heard my name again. This time I also heard someone tell me to wake up. "Wake up?" I muttered. I then suddenly got light headed. "What is happening?!" I get up and walk to the kitchen where my whole family sat. "You already sweetie?" my mom said a but worrried. "Uhh yeah...I think I just have a headache or something," I say as I grabbed a water. "You sure?" My dad said across the room. "Yeah. It'll probably go away after a while," I start to walk out. "If you say so." My dad says as I turn the corner. Before I open the water bottle the dizziness is gone as quickly as it came. I give a confused look, "What in the world is happening today?" Then it hits me. A flash of a memory. It's me and two others guys laughing. One of the guys is tall and has short blonde hair and soft blue eyes. The other guy had shoulder length brown hair with bright blue eyes. The second guy had a metal arm too. The memory was short but familiar. The three of us were laughing and it was so sweet and pure.
  I stumbled back a little when the memory vanished. "What in the-" I was cut off by another memory. This one was with a tall, blonde man with god-like features. He was standing next to a short man with black hair and glasses on his nose. The short man was awkwardly standing next to the tall, godly man. There was also a man with a goatee and a sly smirk there. He was accompanied by a man with camouflage, army pants on, with his arm on the smirk man shoulder. They were all talking about something that I couldn't catch. The memory flashed away. I stumbled some more and tried to catch my balance. Another memory crept in to my brain. This one was a woman with fiery red hair and a brown leather jacket. She was standing next to another man with a goatee and a relaxed pose. Then another man with blonde hair and a bow on his back. They were talking sort of serious but still had some sarcasm and happy jokes. The memory went away and was replace with another one. This one was a woman with long brown hair and a calm ora. Next to her was a robot looking man. He had velvet skin and a sweater. The room had a tension of awkwardness but also romance. The memories were coming faster and more frequently. Now there was one of me sitting next to a guy around my age. He had a backpack and sweater on. Next to us was a tallish man with a child like presents. He had seem to have ants around him. Then next to him was a woman with joyful eyes and short brown hair and bangs. We were talking quite calm but still were laughing. The next memory was a woman with blonde hair and a pilot jacket on. She seemed to be telling me something. A joke maybe but the memory vanished too fast. I fell to the ground, a bit terrified. "Hey you okay in there?" My brother called from the other room. It took me a second to respond. "Uhhh yeah I'm-i'm okay! I'm fine! Just fell," I stutter. What just happened to me?
Part 3-coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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