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After driving for about thirty minutes, my mother stopped the car. I was sleeping, my cheek resting against the window, drool sliding from my parted lips as I was moving to adjust my position on my seat.

My mother cooed at the sight and poked my shoulder slighly. "Wake up honey" she said while now poking my cheek. All those years with dad should have taught her that it's not that easy to wake a Min up. I pushed her hand away and turned a bit, showing her my back. She frowned and scrunched her nose, growing irritated. She got out of the car and made her way to my door. She watched me sleeping peacefully and she abruptly opened the door, making me fall head first and almost hit the ground if it was not for my seat belt to hold me back.

I screamed as I fell, shooting my eyes open. I froze for a few seconds before realizing the situation I was in. My mother was in front of me (or I supposed it was her because I could only see her shoes and ankles).

"Mom what the fuck ?!" I shouted angrily while trying to steady myself, pushing against the ground to lift myself up.

"Words Yoongi ! Gosh, you definitely took after your father didn't you ?" She snapped as she helped me getting out of the car. I was so busy arguing with her and her educational methods that I didn't notice the tremendous building that was a few meters from us.

My mom pinched my cheek, ready to say something but then she turned her head and noticed it. She pointed her finger towards the building, her eyes growing big as she was admiring the refined architecture. There were at least five floors and almost whole of the construction was glazed. You could see a huge clock wall standing proudly at the top of the building and above it were big and silver letters spelling "NOCTIS ACADEMY".

The whole building was surrounded by some sorts of glass tubes leading to different part of the school (not passing by the front though).

My mouth dropped open as I watched at the marvelous school, completely astonished. Around the main building were standing other constructions equally modern but not as beautiful. I had no idea what they were for but it didn't matter now. My mom and I exchanged knowing looks before she cleared her throat.

"Well, it's... It's quite beautiful right ?"I could feel the admiration in her voice and I chuckled, going back to my unbothered state. I shrugged my shoulders and started walking, placing my bag on my right shoulder while doing so.

My mom quickly catch up to me and intertwined our arms, looking at the many students gathering slowly around the building, a lot of them being first years like me. She bit her lips and looked at me :

"Will you be alright ? There are a lot of people here and -..." Before she could finish, I smiled at her and kissed her forehead, watching the crowd waiting before the wide golden portal with the school's initials in silver letters standing in the middle of each part of it.

Some students were standing alone, others were talking to their friends and some were with their families. I looked at my mom who was more excited than me, biting her lips and slightly hopping on her spot while looking absolutely everywhere. I couldn't help but smile at her, finding her attitude cute.

I turned my gaze to a group of friend a little further. They were being awfully loud. One of them was really tall, with wide shoulders and brown hair. His laugh made me think of someone wiping a window. He was making some dad jokes which only made him laugh. After observing the tall wiper, I turned my gaze to an other boy with straw-like hair and a weird but cute boxy smile. He was playing with a small coil made of string, intertwining it around his fingers. He was one of the only persons who wasn't hiding his hybrid's features. From what I could see, I assumed he was a tiger.

Yes, as hybrids, we can take three forms : our animal form, hybrid form (which is the most natural one) or, sometimes, we can hide our ears, tail or wings. I was really thankful to have this ability, it allowed me to hide which breed I was and it was better this way.

The last one made me think of a sunshine, he had a heart-shaped smile (what is going on with everyone's smile in this school ?). He was jumping around the others while loudly asking where a certain "Jimmy" or something had gone. This year at least promised to be noisy.

After a while, megaphones at both the ends of the building started buzzing, catching everyone's attention. An old man's voice coughed and started testing the mic he was using :

"One, two ?... Rebecca how do I use -... Oh it's on ? Well" we could hear the babbling of an old man and this made some students giggle, my mother with them.

"Ahem, Good morning students ! Welcome to Noctis Academy. From today on, you have joined the Elite, the best of the best. We have a high reputation and we expect each one of you to honor our name and make the school proud of your successes. Now, we will ask you to divide in groups. The first years shall go reunite to the left, and the seniors to the right. The teachers will come get you. That is all everyone, enjoy your first day !" The hoarse voice ended its speech and the megaphone went silent again.

After that, everyone started running on either sides of the yard, pushing each others and trying to reach their destination as fast as possible. I watched my mom and she smiled at me, cupping one of my cheeks with her hand :

"I have to go son. I hope your first day goes well ! Send me a message after school I will pick you up." She said with her soft voice.

I agreed and she left. Now I was alone but I was used to it. I started walking at my usual slow pace towards the left, where the tiger boy was standing alone, anxiously turning his head from side to side, obviously looking for someone.

This first day was promising to be interesting wasn't it ?

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