Chapter 1

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Teal couldn't look up at him, the tears stinging at her eyes, threatening to fall once again. She felt his shadow loom above her, eclipsing half of her world in perfect darkness, only guided by the glare of his crimson gaze. The eyes that had once held fascination to her, now only held fear. She recoiled backwards slightly, withdrawing away from his approach. She could feel the heavy uplift of the wind caress her back, as if to emphasise its power, her very life at its mercy. She let her gaze fall to the concrete ground beneath her, if only to encourage herself not to look beyond it.

"Why did you kill him..." Her voice came out a distant sob at first, lost against the rumble of the winds as well as the pressure that had lodged itself inside her throat, partially locking down her words. Frustration swelled inside of her, growing intense within his silent demeanour, the feeling prickling at her cheek. "Why did you kill him!" Her voice was firmer now, though it was still ignored, not even the suave sarcastic comment that she had grown accustomed to. A boldness that she had come to love. At that thought, she felt her tears begin to slip from her. "He was my father!" Her father, her only living relative was now gone from this world. Now, she was alone and unarmed, helpless against the monster before her. "Why did you kill him!" Her gaze snapped to him, her heart sinking in dismay, his expression confirming her worst fears, he didn't care. In fact, he barely acknowledged it.

She felt a suffocating cry escape from her lips as she staggered back to her feet, wobbling slightly. She could no longer feel the chilling bite of the wounds on her knees, the coldness numbing her exhausted body. She shivered, this time from the dizziness that had started to ensnare her from the inside, after all, she had never been good with heights. Despite her shaking motion, she managed to catch the sharpening glint in his eyes, his irises firing like hot coals amidst a burning fire, and this time, she knew for certain that she was about to get burned.

She felt herself shrink back slightly, his height far exceeding her own. And the longer that she stood there, the more it became apparent. She was small, not even five foot five and her structure wasn't exactly on the muscular side of things. She was an office worker, being fit wasn't really a necessity. Compared to the tall creature before her, she was, as he liked to put it, a daffodil. Fragile in every way. The very memory of his teasing frightened her and he must have sensed it from her too because a sly smirk began crawling up the corner of his mouth. A shiver darted down her spine. He enjoyed this, he always had. He enjoyed toying with her, testing her, and she guessed even breaking her. Just a few weeks ago, all this would have seemed impossible. She had been fascinated by the demon, just as many other young women had been but she couldn't have imagined that interest to be mutual. Or what it meant. What it would cost. It had been difficult to notice at first, putting the odd stalkerish behaviour down to him purely being a demon and perhaps it was a sort of cultural difference that she had misunderstood. How naive.

She began trembling, their gazes locked on one another. How could she have known what he was doing? Just when did he decide that she was worthy enough prey for him to pursue or that there was no place for anyone else to be beside her? As he liked to put it, "No room for her to be human." Isolation, control and finally the murder of her father, her blood.

A tear slipped from her keeping, running down her cheek. Still his eyes bore down on her, and now she could just about make out the tips of his canines softly resting over his bottom lip. She caught the choke in her throat. He wouldn't hurt her, or so he had always claimed, - he just wanted her.

And now he had her.

She was powerless to do otherwise. She had always been vulnerable against him and the death of her father only cemented his control. He had staked his claim upon her soul and he had won. And she would become his prisoner forever. She took a step back, as if feeling his confidence building, the awareness taking hold in his mind. He was preparing for the approach. Another step back. Was this love? Some sort of twisted dark attachment that she couldn't have begun to understand? Was this the only way it could have been? Or was this simply a game to him, to destroy a girl who had been abandoned by her no-good drunk of a father and who had to work 2 part-time jobs, just to ensure she could eat. She'd never be sure. She'd never again trust him. The loss of her father might not have had such a huge impact on her life but a loss was still a loss. And it was her loss. He had no right to take it. A step forward. His jacket flapped violently in the wind, his eyes blood red.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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