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Laying back against the tree two teens looked up at the evening sky the sun setting turning the sky orange colored. One was a girl about 16 with bleach white hair and wore a yellow sunday dress. The other a boy about 17 with long bushy white hair down to his shoulders,piercing green eyes and wore a black shirt and blue pants. Looking up at the sky he just laughed grabbing the stone beside him tossing it into the river. "Whats so funny Jeice?" The girl asked sitting up looking to him with curiosity. "Just thinking about what Im gonna do after getting off this damn rock." Jeice replied as he looked out into the fields surrounding the small town. "You still hellbent on joining King Cole's army?" She asked "Na, I'm gonna try and join the Ginyu force." Jeice said "I'm not wanting to remain here and be a farmer my whole life. I wanna make something of myself, something where I wont struggle hand over fist to make payments and make money sis." He continued. Jeice's family was a line of farmers and mechanics, but with the way his community was his family was done dirty as the mayor of the town decided to pay as little as possible and make it hard for his family to make any profit. Jeice was the only man in the house since his dad turned to the bottle when his mom died from a plauge. All that remained was Jeice, his sister Diana and his father when he was around.

"You really think you'll be able to get in?" Diana asked "Yeah I'm decently strong, I might be weaker than some but I'll get stronger." Jeice said getting up off the ground followed by Diana. As the sun finally set he had cooked some dinner consisting of meat, carrots and garlic bread. Afterwards Diana went to bed leaving Jeice alone in the main room. It was decent with green painted walls, a picture of the family above the door, back when they were a family anyway. Before his dad began hitting the bottle, before his mother took her last breath in the hospital hooked to machines. Eventually his dad stumbled in muttering and the smell of alcohol on his breath. Jeice's dad just looked at him "What the hell a-are you doinnng here?" He asked slurring his words "Your drunk dad." Jeice said visibly annoyed at his father. "No shit, now where's that sister of yours, off sleeping with some guy?" His dad asked before Jeice punched him sending the older man across the table. "Dont you ever talk about my sister like that again!" Jeice growled as the old man got up angry before throwing the bottle at him. "Ever since mom died you've been like this! Drunk 24 hours a day, never even noticing anyone but yourself, you keep throwing this damnned self pity party when you need to man the fuck up and be a father!" Jeice shouted at the drunk who just swung again at Jeice who just knocked him flat out. 

Jeice simmered down from his little rage fit before turning around to head outside. As he opened the door the wind died down leaving the small farm dead quiet. Jeice noticed a light in the distance 'Probabbly passers by.' He thought until multiple lights appeared and began to approach. As Jeice took a step forward a large energy beam nearly hit him. But instead hit beside him making a hole in the house. Jeice fired back hearing a scream in the distance before three men appeared before him all wearing masks. "Take him down!" The leader ordered lifting a plasma pistol which he aimed at Jeice. Jeice was quicker than the men anticipated as he dodged to the side before sending his fist straight into the lead guys chest getting a green oze all over as it trickled down Jeices arm.  "Leave now, this is your last chance." Jeice said looking around to see five men approach from the barn which now began to burn.

Jeice heard the door behind him open and the last thing he heard was a blast followed by a scream. He turned to see his sister standing there with blood running down her torso from a hole in her chest. His eyes widened in shock and anger when he turned back to the men. They noticed the ground rumble and a red energy wave emit from the young man in front of them. Then the ground cracked wide open as his eyes widened and seemed to lose all sense of reasoning. Those emerald green eyes burning with an unholy anger and hatred were the last thing any of those men saw before they were obliterated. One man remained, talk about a pile of lard, the guy looked like he had not excercised since he was crawling. His hair was stringy and his eyes wide with fear as he tried to run but Jeice caught him by the collar of his shirt. "You bastards, how dare you destroy my family." Jeice seethed his voice dripping venomous anger with every word. "Please, Mr. Ramon sent us to do this, he promised high pay if we killed you all. I wouldnt do this if I had a choice." The fat man begged as Jeice tossed him to the ground. The night darkened his face blocking his eyes out as he looked down at the man before slowly raising his hand letting a small red energy ball form in his palm. "Please, spare me I beg you!" The man screamed before Jeice obliterated him letting the last of his rage out.

Jeice turned back to the house and ran to his sister who layed now holding her side and breathed irratically. Jeice held her trying to calm her as he put pressure on the wound. "DAD!" Jeice yelled but looked to see his father pinned to the floor by a large broken peice of wood. Jeice noticed when his sister stopped whimpering and went limp. His eyes began to tear up as he did everything he could to revive her but it was in vain as she laid there looking up at the star lit sky. Jeice slammed his fists into the ground as he sobbed silently letting tears fall drip to the ground. He then kissed her forehead before muttering a silent prayer.

About an hour later two graves were dug and filled on the hillside overlooking the farm. Jeice stood silently looking at the graves now sitting beside a third which had a mossy headstone. The other two had simple wood crosses at the head of them. Jeice felt something snap, his body felt hot, his eyes calmed, but his heart beated like a war drum. Quietly he turned looking at the towns lights in the distance which made his blood run cold. In that town was the man who issued the men to come and kill off the rest of his family. The last look on his sisters face plastered itself to his memory. A look of fear, confusion, and pain before she faded into a peaceful state. Clutching his fists he took off headed straight for the town. A town in which much blood would be shed, and only one of two men would walk away alive. 

DBZ Kia: Jeice chroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now