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Amidst the bars and the casino men smoked cigars and had it off with the prostitutes. The air was thick with alcohol and the casino was rowdy. Especially for one man who sat at the head gamblers table. He wore a fancy suit, a bowler hat, his facial hairs trimmed neatly. He sipped from a glass filled with fine wine as he looked at the cards within his hand. To all he seemed like a richer noble in town fancying a game of cards. If only it were that but everyone knew him. Xira Ramon, the godfather of the local mob, nothing happened without him knowing and he killed anyone he pleased. Across from him was the mayor, an old man who even kissed his boots and his political figurehead for Xira. Nobody dared cross him unless they had a deathwish.

Outside the saloon Jeice stood preparing himself for what he'd do. Taking a deep breath he walked up to the door before opening it. True he could just obliterate the casino but he wanted to personally kill Xira and anyone who got in the way. As he entered the building he looked around at the people. Many of them rich, drunk or taking women into the rooms for their own devices. Slowly Jeice scanned the room until he spotted the person he was after. He sat surrounded by other high ranking people. "Looking for a good time handsome." A girl asked looking Jeice up and down before she smirked. "Sorry ma'm but Ive got buissness to attend to." Jeice said kissing her hand before she walked off with tray in hand and a blush clear on her face. Jeice did what he could to keep his sister away from this type of life as he knew how dangerous these casinos could get, esspecially for a working girl. With another step he was in view of the table and he clenched his hands smirking as the mob boss looked his way.

"Xira, I must say this is a fitting place for you, a rat in its filth filled nest." Jeice taunted before everyone stopped looking wide eyed at the young man. Nobody insulted the don, especially in his own casino, last person who did ended up being obliterated on the spot. Then Xira stood up looking down on Jeice "Who do you think your talking to rat?" He asked "You should know, you just had my family killed." Jeice said before firing off a blast making the mayors head explode. The people screamed as many patrons and workers left running out into the streets. Xira grinned wildly as his men attacked, no low down farm boy was gonna insult him and walk away. The first guy was huge, a hulk of muscle that towered over Jeice. He sung hit after hit trying to hit the younger man but no prevail as Jeice got behind him and snapped his neck. The next few guys attacked one after another only to be obliterated. The don looked at Jeice who had the look of a vengeful madman with every kill he made.

Blood spilled, walls were broken and the bodies of over ten men layed lifeless as Jeice finally set his sights on the don. Now fearfull Xira tried to run but was grabbed by the collar and tossed into the street. The rain began to pour and as far as people could see was the silouettes of the two men. "You filthy fucking inbred trash just go back home and let me go." Xira begged as Jeice aimed his hand straight at his face "I'll let you go, to hell." Jeice said as he silenced the dons scream with a ki blast. Jeice sighed in satisfaction of his work before he turned to the Casino and obliterated it.

The next day rolled around and people were mixed at the events that happened not even 10 hours prior. Jeice had stayed in the hotel deciding he needed the sleep. Getting up he noticed his reflection in the mirror. He looked worn out, a few specs of blood on his face, some dirt. The town was still lively especially the people of lower classes who were drinking to celebrate the death of Xira.  Jeice felt someone lay their head on his shoulder as he looked to see the girl from the Casino. "Sleep well?" Jeice asked her as she nodded gladly "Very well." She complimented as someone knocked at the door. "Excuse me sir but there is some people here to see you." He said looking away seeing the girl in the room with him.

The old man went back down stairs looking to the men now sitting around drinking beer. "He'll be down in a second sirs." The old man said. The leader grinned adjusting his scouter "Much appreciated sir." He said before turning back to the others with him. One had a basic tuft of orange hair atop his head and seemed to have the look of a mindless brute. The other was a short fat guy with four eyes on his head, he was barely the height of a child. "So captain whats so special we had to come to a backwater town like this?" The large man asked "Simple Recoome, this guy killed Don Xira, a thorn has been removed from Lord Freizas side and he has a very high power level. Don Xira was at 23,000, this guy reads in at 45,000." The captain said as they looked to see the man walk down stairs talking with a young girl before she walked off.

"You must be Jeice." The captain said "Im Captian Ginyu, I'm fairly certain you heard of us." Ginyu said seeig Jeice's eyes widen "The Ginyu force, your Lord Frieza's special ops team." Jeice said "Indeed, you've really made an impression on Lord Frieza by killing Don Xira for him. Tell me, what did he do to piss you off so bad?" Ginyu asked. Jeices smile faded as he remembered the previous day. His sister's last day of life, wherever she was at had to be better than here. "He killed my sister, burned my home to the ground." Jeice said "Sorry to hear about that." Ginyu said "Anyway on to more pressing matters, your power level is impressive, and not just anyone can go out and kill a mobster like you did." He continued, Jeice looking wide eyed. He felt some pride, and yet worry, did he kill someone important to Freiza, did he send these men to kill him?  "Jeice, we would like to extend an invitation for you to join the Ginyu force." Ginyu said as he waited for Jeice's response.

Jeice was speechless, he always wanted to join the Ginyu force. Never did he think that the oppritunity would drop itself at a bar table. Grinning glady he accepted shaking Captian Ginyus hand "Sir, you've got a new member to the Ginyu force." Jeice said. After a few drinks the men left to a landing zone where Jeice saw pods and a large lizard looking guy. "Burter are the pods ready?" Ginyu asked walking to the large reptilian. "Yes captain we're ready to depart." Burter said looking over to see Jeice "Whos red skin there?" Burter asked making Jeice scoff at his insult "This is Jeice, the newest member of the Ginyu force." Recoome said before the Captain motioned the team to get into their pods.

Jeice took one last look at the surrounding terrain. His home, his entire world, as much as it changed it was the same. Without another word he got into his pod and settled in ready to begin his new life as they took off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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