Chapter 17

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{ Time Skip: Sunday }

I decided to Hang out with Yugyeom today so we went to The arcade There were some girls there so Yugyeom left to flirt with them and he got rejected by them Idiot.. I thought so then We both played Race cars and made a bet I won "Pay up kid." I said he groaned and handed me 20 Bucks "Im never betting with you again." He said I laughed and started walking out the arcade Yugyeom showed me this Boba Tea shop called "Dragonfly Tea Zone" Yugyeom ordered Pineapple boba Tea while I ordered Chocolate boba Tea Once the cashier gave us our order I tried it and It tasted good "Not Bad." I said and Yugyeom nodded in Agreement Then when we went out the Dragonfly place I spotted Someone that I hated "Hey, isn't that Momo?" Yugyeom asked while looking at her I nodded "Yeah It is." Yugyeom Then Grinned and Started walking up to her He's gonna do something stupid I thought and watched the scene that was gonna happen any monent I took out my phone and Started recording Yugyeom Poured his Boba Tea on Momo and She was Pissed off screaming her lungs out at Him then she slapped him I Finished recording and Sent it to Jackson a couple minutes later Jackson sent a message

Jackson: Im proud.
> Seen

I sent a Laughing emoji and turned off my phone Yugyeom walked back and he had a Red hand mark on his Cheek "Did It go well?.." I asked while holding my laugh Yugyeom laughed "Kind've." Then We headed to Yugyeom's house to Play Overwatch When I looked at the time it was 2 PM "Shit! I gotta go now bye Yugyeom." He waved and I grabbed my things and went home.

{ Time Skip: Monday: 1st hour }

I woke up late and Had to rush and Run to School Once I entered the Classroom I had to catch My breathe "I-Im Here!" Everyone looked at me and the teacher said "Go sit down Tuan." I walked to my seat and Laid my head on my desk then the Teacher made an Announcement "Class Today we're going to have a Test." What?? Fuck I didn't study!! I thought and hit my head on my desk "Shit!" I mumbled The teacher passed out the Test sheet it was only 6 pages I can do This! I started working on it Then Once the bell rang I rushed up to the teacher and handed them My Test the rest of my classes were filled with Note taking, Test and Even Announcements about Upcoming Test I was glad Lunch was Near When The bell rang I rushed to the Cafeteria and Grabbed a Salad Then I went outside and Sat down at my usual spot then Jackson came outside "Hey Sweetheart." He said I looked at him and Smiled "Hi Jackson." I ate a bit of my salad while Jackson was ranting about how There needs to be wayy more food in The cafeteria and how everyone should stay hungry all the time "But wouldn't people starve if they were hungry all the time?" I asked him he nodded "Yeah well if they don't bring a Snack to eat before lunch." I sighed Why did he make this part of his Motto?..I thought and Finished my Salad then I threw it away Lunch wasn't over yet we Still had 10 Minutes so I decided to talk about random things with Jackson

" Favorite Clothing Brand?" I asked .

" Fendi" Jackson answered .

"Zodiac Sign?" I asked again .

"Aries What's yours?" Jackson asked .

"Mine's a Virgo." I answered Confidently while Smiling .

Lunch was over so I headed to my next class which was P. E .

To be Continued.....

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