Chapter 8

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Yoongi kissed me gently. I kissed back. He carried me on his lap and I put my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. His hand went on my butt and he squeezed it and I gasp. We stop to take our breath. We were breathing heavily.

Y/n: y-yoongi

Yoongi: yes kitten

Y/n: I'm tired

Yoongi and I layed down. He hugs me and I fell asleep.


I woke up in Yoongi arms.

Mind: am I dreaming?

I try to move from his grip but he wouldn't move. Then he opens his eyes.

Yoongi: good morning kitten

Y/n: good morning

Yoongi moves his arms so I could get up. We head downstairs

Y/n: *Yawn* good morning

I stop and looked at Jimin. I see the guilt from his eyes

Jimin: Y/n can I talk to you please

Y/n: Jimin I don't wanna-

Jimin: please just for a sec

Y/n: ugh fine

I follow him

Y/n: what

Jimin: look I know your mad at me

Y/n: and?

Jimin: and I'm sorry, I was drunk and the alcohol took over. Can you forgive me? I didn't mean to say that....

I see the guilt in his eyes

Y/n: *sigh* I forgive you

Jimin looked up at me

Jimin: really

I nod and he hugs me

Jimin: thank you

Y/n: yea yea now lets go back

We went back.

Tae: guys we should go out

Jungkook: yea we been very busy and don't really get the time to go anywhere

Jin: where should we go

Jimin: let go to the club

Yoongi: lets go

Jungkook: k

Y/n: ok

We go to our room and get changed. I came downstairs to meet the boys.

Yoongi: whoa

Y/n: let's go

We left and we arrived at the club

Tae: lets go in

We went in and the music was loud.

Jungkook: you guys want anything to drink

Y/n: just give me water

Tae: beer for all of us

Jungkook leaves

Jimin: glad we came

Yoongi: yea

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