Call to Action

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The final show of the day had just finished and you adjusted in your soft chair. Your child had gone to bed about an hour ago, as it was a school night. You, however, had attempted to sleep earlier but for some reason couldn't. The television was the perfect way to make yourself sleepy, usually. But here you were, eyes still wide open and awake. Now that the broadcasts of the day were over, you didn't know what else to do.

With a sigh, you got up and walked over to the small television set and went to turn the small dial that would shut it off. Before you could shut it off, however, the screen suddenly went black. Your eyebrows furrowed, confused, then the screen came back. A long beep emitted from the speakers of the TV, showing the colourful bars typical of when there was a technical difficulty at the broadcasting station. At first, you thought nothing of it. That was probably normal when the station was done for the day, right?

But then, an unfamiliar logo flashed onto the screen. "U.S DEPARTMENT FOR THE PRESERVATION OF AMERICAN DIGNITY" were the words that were written around this strange logo. You had never heard of this 'department' before. It sounded important though, whatever it was. You backed up as some text appeared underneath the logo; "Please comply with the following instructions. God bless America".

Now you were curious, and rather nervous. You had never seen one of these before. You did know however that the government had the ability to show these kinds of broadcasts, you just didn't realize you would ever see one. Backing away further from the television, you sat back down on your comfortable seat. As your dog got up from the floor and padded up to your feet, you watched the television broadcast.

The familiar tune of your country's anthem played as text began to roll up the screen, the image of an American flag dancing in the wind playing behind it.

"The worst has come to pass.

Despite the sacrifices of our citizens and the might of our armed forces, the UNITED STATES has been forced to surrender to her enemy.Though they may occupy our borders, our streets and our homes.... the enemy will never occupy our SPIRIT.

That is why all Americans are now called upon to ACT.... to preserve the memory of the United States, clear and bright.... untarnished and uncompromised.

Know that I have already TAKEN ACTION in the company of family and loved ones. Now ALL AMERICANS-every man, woman, and child- are called upon to ACT before the moment passes by.

Let our united resolve echo through history: Even in defeat, we refused to yield.Even in defeat we claim VICTORY.

Lyndon B. Johnson
President of the United States".

What the hell did all of that mean? You were now sitting at the edge of your seat, your furred companion laying by your feet and watching the screen as well with her round, bright eyes. The grainy screen then switched to another; a close-up shot of flowers, rustling in the wind, with more text over the beautiful pink flora. "ACT IMMEDIATELY. Honor liberty by taking the final and greatest liberty of all. It is a privilege to be called to action. YOU TAKE AMERICA WITH YOU".

This broadcast was telling you to kill yourself. To die for your country, right here in your home, in front of your TV. Your jaw dropped as that thought clicked in your head. The President was dead; the first message confirmed it. This also meant... Your child had to die too. Your baby. The only loved one you had left by your side, besides your dog. Did this mean your dog had to go too? Your mind was starting to go numb already as so many distressing thoughts were swirling in your brain.

You stood up as more text appeared on the screen. Something along the lines of "we will each be remembered", but you didn't want to read anymore at this point. You couldn't believe this. Your eyes were welling with tears as the idea of your little angel dying by another human's will was stuck in your head. Your dog stood up and let out a small 'woof', taking notice of your sudden change in emotion.

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