Ice Skating

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Elsa knew the rule: conceal it, don't feel it, don't let it show. But she couldn't help being a rulebreaker at times, even though she was labelled as an obedient daughter.

Her parents died almost two weeks ago. Controlling her gift became harder. She decided to sneak out to the lake on the outskirts of the kingdom to ice skate.

It was the middle of the winter solstice, and a mild blizzard had decided to drop by.

Elsa put on her ice skates and swiftly glided on the frozen lake. Skating reminded her of her sister. She felt a pang in her heart as she opened up certain memories. On how she never saw her sister again.

Loki had been sent on Midgard with Thor on a quest, but somehow lost him in the blizzard. As he trekked through the forest he saw a plain and a frozen lake. A girl about the age of 18 was skating on the lake. He admired her skill; and above all, her beauty.

She stopped on her tracks and looked at Loki, who held an awestruck expression on his face.

"Forgive me, I did not intend to stare for a long period of time." Loki said profusely. "But I would like to compliment your skill on the ice."

She took off her ice skates as she felt the ice on her feet. She put back her winter shoes and looked at the man. "Thank you. I apologize, but I must be going now."

"May I at least know your name?" She turned around and smiled at the man. "Elsa."

Elsa walked back towards Arendelle's palace. Her name is not one Loki will forget. Not in a long time.

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