Chapter 1

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(Ralph's point of view)
I was tripping over vines and brambles, I could hear the ocean with its waves lapping at the shore, I was trying to figure out if anyone else survived the plane crash I called out "is anyone out there?" I listened for a few heartbeats then I kept on trekking through the thick undergrowth. I then came to an open beach I saw the  plane that got shot down from the sky slowly drifting out to sea to be lost forever, I thought to myself I wonder if there was still people on the plane, people that were going to be lost forever and never seen again but I let that thought disappear from my mind. I wiped the sweat from my face and I forced myself  to keep traveling too see if I can find anyone that may have survived I called out again "hello? Is anyone there?" I then heard a rustling noise coming from some bushes that were overgrown against palm trees, then a heavy set boy probably about my age stepped out he had dirty blond hair, hippie looking glasses and he was chubby kinda cute looking, he stared at me in relief I knew what this boy must be thinking that he is not the only one that survived. " hi!" I said to the boy  "what's your name?" The heavy set boy looked at me nervously and said "my name is P-Piggy" he spoke in a soft sweet voice.

(Piggy's point of view) I was very nervous I didn't know what to say or do then out of nowhere I felt body heat press up against me and arms wrapped me and to my surprise I actually felt comfort from the strangers embrace, then I heard the stranger whisper in my ear "everything is gonna to be ok Piggy!" I just wanted to wail out loud but I stopped myself I should probably ask the stranger what his name is but before I could he says that his name is Ralph then he started to take off his school uniform and he went running into the shallow ocean. He stopped and looked back at me "are you gonna come swimming with me?" I thought to myself I can't go swimming then I called back "I can't because of my asthma!" Ralph looked at me with amusement glimmering in his eyes and he shouts "sucks to your ass-mar!" I thought to myself, is Ralph teasing me??? Then in the distance I heard the soft voices of a small singing group of boys then that's when I saw the Calvary.....

 He stopped and looked back at me "are you gonna come swimming with me?" I thought to myself I can't go swimming then I called back "I can't because of my asthma!" Ralph looked at me with amusement glimmering in his eyes and he shouts "sucks to yo...

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My boy Piggy

My boy Piggy

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And here's Ralph

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And here's Ralph

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