Chapter 2

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Piggy stood there looking out in the distance and watched the small choir of boys walking Towards him and Ralph. Ralph came up behind piggy "what's that?" Ralph asked, "it's a group of boys!" Piggy responded.
The small choir walked up to Piggy and Ralph, the leader of the choir stopped and turned around "choir halt!" The leader said harshly, "where is the adult?" The choir leader asked. For awhile everyone stood there in silence, then Ralph spoke up "their is no adult!" "Then we will have to look after ourselves." The choir leader interrupted Ralph, Piggy looked at the choir and asked "what are y'alls names?"
The leader of the choir looked annoyed, "SHUT UP! You are talking too much, fatty!" Ralph looked outraged about what the choir leader said to Piggy. "His name is not fatty, it's Piggy!" Ralph shouted, then everyone bursted out in laughter, "enough laughing!" Ralph spoke over the laughter, "we need to get y'alls names"

(The choir of boys said there names)
Jack walked up to Ralph and shouted "I'm jack!"
Rustling came from some bushes then a few little kids stepped out looking scared. Ralph shouted "over here! We are going to have a meeting!" The scared little kids came over to Ralph and said their names. Then the smallest kid tugged on Ralph's shirt, Ralph bent over so the kid could whisper in his ear, Ralph looked taken aback on what the kid said and Ralph told everyone what the little kid told him "he said what are we going to do about the creeper things!"
Everyone started laughing "what creeper things?" Jack asked. "The creeper things that hang off the trees!" Ralph replied. "And he also asked what are we going to do about the beast!"

A blonde haired boy spoke up and said "what beast?" Ralph looked at Simon and said "I dunno."
Simon rose his voice so everyone could hear him, " maybe there is a beast, but what I mean is maybe it's only us!"

I suck at writing stories lol
Here is a picture of my kitten, his name is Oliver.

I suck at writing stories lol Here is a picture of my kitten, his name is Oliver

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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