Ch. 1 ➳ the day light met dark

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This is a complete work of fiction.

          "-and the rest is rust and stardust."

The crunch of the sugar maple leaves under my boots helps to enhance the meaning of my previous words. I only hope the class is entranced by my presentation as Cecilia is. Her eyebrows furrowed and lips in a pout she murmurs the words that back up my confidence, "you're gonna ace thi-"

The shrill sound of that horrific bell causes us to rush to our next class, English.

Cecilia and I hastily grab the books that we laid out around us and squeeze past the heavy gym doors. When we make it to the surprising barren corridor, I imagine all the ways Mr V will punish our tardiness. I quickly adjust my backpack before calmly walking through the classroom doors.

Cecilia rushes to her seat as I stagger behind her.

          "Ah, the runt of the pack I believe." A raspy voice speaks aloud making all the other students laugh out.

         "Strongest member actually," I reply back scoffing at the substitute.

          "You'll have to prove that." He turns around nonchalantly after writing his name on the board. His eyes gleam mischievously in the sun rays that beam through the open windows.

Clearing his throat, he begins, "good afternoon, class. I believe it's time for formal introductions. I'll call out each of your names from the roll, reply back with your age, and your most favourite English novel. Make sure to explain why that's your favourite."

          "I'll start. I'm Harry Styles, you all may call me Mr Styles, Mr S or Sir. Whichever suits you best I don't mind, I'm flexible like that," he ends with a smirk.

I notice all the females hypnotised immediately by this devil in human form. Grunting to myself I bury my face in my hands on the desk. I absolutely cannot believe this is how we're wasting our presentation time.

Cecilia whispers, "omg he's cute!"

I stare back at her scrutinisingly, "he's acting like a jerk."

          "Alexandra," Mr Styles' voice cuts our conversation.

          "I understand that it was your turn to do the presentation today," he mocks me.

          "Yes, it is my turn to do the presentation today," I bite back.

Raising his brows, he replies laughingly, "well sweetheart, how about we start with your roll call introduction first."

          "Right, of course. I'm Alex and I'm almost 17, and I have too many favourite books to choose just one," I confidentially say in front of my peers – and the devil.

          "HAHAHA, right, of course, she can't just choose one," Brittany utters.

          "Well, I'm sorry to hear that Brittany, at least I'm literate enough to read more than children's picture books." Smiling innocently at her I turn to Mr Styles.

Clearing his throat, he continues with the roll call and I continue staring out into the abyss that is high school.

The lesson draws on with Mr Styles and his charming allure over the students and there almost isn't time for my presentation. I was scheduled to present first, Mr V was looking forward to seeing his number one student's hard work. Yet, things never work out the way you want them to.

The other students that were supposed to be presenting after me are called up first and go way over seven minutes. I hope Mr Styles removes marks for that, Mr V sure would.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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