Chapter 10

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"I want to help," Castiel announced, after everyone else had finished eating. He didn't know why it was important to wait for them to finish, but he felt it was. He had watched his older counterpart smile and talk with the humans. He watched them laugh. Food seemed to bring everyone together, in their society.
"What?" Sam said. He'd been listening to Jody's story, with boyish enthusiasm, but their chatter died down.
"I want to help you figure out how this happened," he clarified. Dean glared at him, and glanced at Jimmy briefly.
"Haven't you done enough?" he mumbled, and the air soured.
"Dean..." Sam tried, but Dean shot him a glare.
"What?" he snapped. Sam took a breath, waiting for him to settle.
"This is Cas," Sam said, and Dean blinked and broke eye contact.

The air was thick around them. Cas placed hand on Castiel's shoulder, stepping up to stand next to him. "We will help," he said. Dean narrowed his eyes. He didn't like the thought of Cas working with himself. He didn't trust him. Jody cleared her throat pointedly, and Dean looked at her. She raised an eyebrow and Dean rolled his eyes.
"Whatever," he said, and stood up to grab a beer from the fridge, along with a handful of the candy he'd bought earlier.

It wasn't until later, when the two angels were sitting alone, that Castiel asked his question. "Why is Dean mad at me?" he asked, and Cas sighed, and sat back.
"It's complicated," he eventually replied, trying to drop the subject. "Dean's an angry man".
"Why is it complicated? His anger seems to be directed towards me, but not you," Castiel said, and looked at the hunter. Dean was sitting at the table. His chin rested on one hand and he was twirling his beer around with the other. He looked bored.

"I can't tell you, and you know I can't. It would disrupt the chain of events in your future," Cas said, shutting him down. Castiel didn't look at him, but kept his eyes on Dean. Cas felt his counterpart's grace flair, and felt his own heart tug. "And so would that," he said coldly, and Castiel looked back at him.
"What?" he asked, and Cas narrowed his eyes at him. Castiel broke eye contact, and looked at his shoes.

"What did you do?" he asked him, and Cas sighed. "How did you handle it?"
"The same thing you'll do," he said, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Ignore it. Focus on your mission. Hope it goes away". Castiel looked up at him, curious and hopeful.
"Did it?" he asked, searching the other man's face. Cas gave away nothing, and didn't answer for a second.
"I can't tell you," he said eventually. Dean stood up, his chair screeching across the wooden floors, and they both looked at him.
"What are you nerds looking at?" he said, and opened the fridge. His jeans pulled tight around his legs as he bent down. He pulled out butter, followed by eggs and milk, and set them on the table. "Sam!" he called out, and waited for him to answer. Dean looked up at the angels, and rolled his eyes, before turning to the pantry. "Quit staring," he chastised. He reached up to retrieve flour, and sugar, and his shirt rode up around his hips. "Sam!" he called out again, and his brother walked in.

"What?" he said, irritated, and looked over the array of ingredients on the counter.
"Apple or cherry?" Dean asked, and Sam sighed to hide a fond smile as Dean brought out a mixing bowl. "Because you know I'm obsessed with pie," he rolled his eyes.
"Doesn't matter, Dean," Sam said, frowning slightly at his comment.
"Cherry it is, then," Dean said, as he washed his hands.

A/N: Cas just cockblocked himself smh

Also just letting you know there ain't any canon destiel in this story
Just a little unrequited love

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